Gobbledy Gooker

Every criticism the reviewers make of this show just make me want to see it more.

Right now I only have time for one show, and there is currently less of Outcast which has become a plus for me since I finally found a job.

I am in need of a horror fix and I was wondering whether I should be watching this or Penny Dreadful.

Dean vs Bray done *properly* would be amazing.

I actually like that. Clear face-heel dynamic can make for great wrestling, but I also like when wrestlers are presented as heroes in the Greek mythology sense and therefore not really beholden to morality.

Dean was being kind of an annoying dick last night, so much that I'm thinking they may be priming him for a heel turn. His obsession with the title seemed almost psychotic and his condescending attitude towards Dolph was quite heelish.

I have the same opinion. I thought The Americans was really good right from the start, but it was not until the back half of the third season that I realized that it's something special. Those episodes contained big payoffs that we were anticipating since season one, and because they were handled brilliantly, I

I absolutely love Blues Brothers, but the movie's casual attitude towards destruction - which, if it did not operate under cartoon logic, would absolutely be lethal - does not sit right with me considering Landis' real-life deeds.

I am a long-time frustrated Bray fan, so I feel you on that ;).

I seem to be the only person who likes his fedora look. It was such an unconventional choice for a monster heel.

I actually kind of liked Puma's promo where he challenged Rey. His stumbling delivery helped to sell his admiration for Rey. Also I appreciate that he used turning heelish as a great opportunity to introduce some stronger offense.

The difficulty with NJPW is that because I don't understand the promos it's hard for me to see who has a feud with whom and why. After you follow it for some time, it becomes less of an issue, but so far my experience was that I watched some of the most hyped matches and was impressed by them, but I don't feel that I

I'm all caught up with Lucha (just wrote a long-ass post explaining my feeling about Ultima Lucha Dos and the season in general).


Oh no!!!! It seems that WWE's major weekly shows will be worth watching regularly in their entirety! I don't have the time for that!!!!!

I love the Marvel Comics Universe for many things, its ironclad logic is not one of them…

Will this be the moment where the MCU finally embraces the craziness of the Comics Universe? The first movie was a step in a right direction, but it still felt like they went for a half measure when they should have gone taken a full measure WALT.

Kaneshiro is a dreamboat too, of course. I mainly associate him with Wong Kar-Wai movies, where the cinematography made already beautiful people look downright angelic - an aesthetic effect you can appreciate regardless of your sexual orientation.

As a Hong Kong cinema fan, I was always baffled by this idea. If Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Chow Yun-Fat and Andy Lau weren't sexy and charismatic in their prime, then who the hell is?