If you watch the video - you see that there is indeed a reaper coming for these reaper copies. Aswell as an urn left in place of the body.
The Wii U has taken roughly $300 from your wallet already, but chances are you've purchased more than a few games…
Origin isn't steam that's why they're evil rabble rabble rabble.
Dude its a video say something! Don't just smile like a creeper!
It really ties the room together.
Aye, I want my FOV slider, dammit.
Fine print says for digital purchases only.
Seriously. Poop BEFORE you begin.
I'll just wait for the Wii U version.
My girlfriend was sitting behind me and was pestering me the entire time to shut it off because of how irritating it was.
Not even just her voice, but the way she acts and her curious accent.
Yeah,I was about to complain about that.
That voice... I cannot believe I sat and bore that annoying voice for 4 minutes.
It's not as impressive when you have to cheat to accomplish something.
So you kill the reaper by making him not a reaper...
Obviously, step one is to not fear him.
These games had some seriously catchy tunes. I remember a lot of them still.
The entire 164 track Banjo Kazooie soundtrack is available on Bandcamp. Ex-Rare audio maestro Grant Kirkhope put up the whole thing, which includes everything from level themes to cheerful, five-second victory chimes. You can name your price. Go revel in glorious bird/bear nostalgia and the happiest main theme ever.
"If you build it, they will come," the saying goes. It's never that simple when it comes to playing video games…
I'm only impressed by these when they're built square by square, and not using a 3D art package. Because that requires such minimal skill compared to painstakingly doing it properly.