
Heck yeah!!! I love dark purple cars! I was trying to convince my sister to buy a Thundernight Metallic BMW Z4. Alas, she wants kids or something silly like that, I don’t remember.

I had a sunset orange BMW F31. I miss that color.

Like this?

“Let’s make parking spaces larger!” = “Give a drunk a drink.”

Just stop building these ridiculously over-sized monstrosities.

“Also, CUVs really do provide good utility for the average person.”

Good point. We don’t call them bro-dozers for nothing.

Rage against the people buying CUVs and SUVs instead of sedans, but there wouldn’t be so many people choosing them if it wasn’t for people buying the gentrified giant 4 door pick-ups instead of sedans for their daily drivers. 

This is fucking insane. Its a death spiral now. Somewhere in the car industry it was decided that more effort should be put into SUV’s because they sell better, and now, everyone is rushing to make, sell, advertise and buy them. The more it happens, the more other people are likely to get it. I cannot tell you how

Don’t for get the hyundai/kias and Audis

As far as sedans go, there really only seems to be room in this world for the Camry, the Accord, the 3 Series and the Civic.

I would add I personally hate the terms dog mom, cat mom or pet parent because while I have had several pets in my life growing up and as much as I did love them they were still a pet.

Im haunted forever by the story my Aunt told me of her neighbor who’s dog died. She deeply loved her dogs and my aunt knew this so she went over to console her.

Ya know, If we spent as much time investing in people as much as they invest in their animals, this world would probably be a better place...

I’m gonna actually take that one step further. If you were driving down the road with your toddler on your lap you’d get a whole host of fines and probably be charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Every animal advocacy group should be petitioning their state governments to enact similar legislation. Keep

This needs to be the law of the land - so dangerous to have animals crawling around on the driver. And the moron driving is typically way more interested in their stupid toy poodle than what’s happening on the road.

It does but this is about the PRINCIPLE 

I wish it were so simple 

The knob in my Golf TDI is like that. I point it straight up and then adjust the volume with the buttons on the steering wheel. The problem is, it detentes to juuuuuust left or or right of straight vertical so it’s always at least a little annoying. Also when my wife drives she just adjusts it to whatever she wants

Getting gas every 300 miles or so is “filling up constantly”?