
Back in 2022, I searched the country for a BMW 23oi in Thundernight Metallic (after receiving a red one as a loaner back then). One was bought out from underneath me on Memorial Day locally; so ended up driving 8 hours to Tennessee to pick one up. Though I’ve owned both (British Racing) Green cars, as well as gold

Crap. Reading this headline made me hopeful that manufacturers would start making actual cars again, instead of the Needlessly Gigantic And Ridiculously Oversized pickup trucks, SUVs and bro-dozers that no one really needs but everyone convinces themselves they need. Oh well.

Couldn’t agree more. I call them NGAROs. Needlessly Gigantic And Ridiculously Oversized brodozers, SUVs for a family of 2 and a 6-mile total daily commute and all the other vehicles that barely anyone needs but dumb people have been bamboozled into believing they like and “need.”

As long as dummies keep spending

I know, I know...unscientific, small sample size, etc. etc.

So true. The idolization, glorification and worship of animals is truly disgusting…as are the “I love my dog more than people”-style bumper stickers. Really, really gross. Treating animals better than people says a lot about that person (read: not good things).

This from a pet owner. We love our pet, but…it’s not a

I’m really surprised by all the hatred (maybe that’s too strong) of the M2/2 Series styling. I happen to really, really like it and find the latest 2 Series (G42) pretty hot. What I DON’T like from BMW are the gigantic kidney grills, like in the 4 Series and the Needlessly Gigantic & Ridiculously Oversized SUVs BMW

The BMW corporation nailed me with “the halo effect.” Our other car, a 60th Anniversary (2019 Mini Cooper S), was in at the dealership for its final warranty service. The loaner car they gave my wife (and I) to drive: a 2022 BMW 230i.
This was a TERRIBLE idea.
But good for BMW.
Started doing a little research;

Made mine last month.

2022 BMW 230i. Was right on the edge of my price range. Couldn’t afford the M240i, and so far am not sorry I snagged this one. Traded in a Mini Cooper S with 41,000+ miles on it and imminent services incoming.

Had to travel 450+ miles each way to get it, but got it for $500 markup. The next

The first weekend of June this year, I traveled my trade-in 448 miles one way; in this crazy market my 3-year old car with 40k on it had barely depreciated — and with the warranty over and pending repairs in sight I was of the opinion that it was time to either start spending on the car I had, or look to something

Full disagree. Having driven an Abarth 500, I agree it’s a lot of fun to drive (mine was a manual). Since then I’ve owned 2 MINIs, aregular Cooper and a Cooper S now. The MINI has been a ton more fun to drive than the Fiat was. Each has its own fun aspects but in terms of handling, manual gearboxes and “fun factor,”

Nope. Available for anyone now.

Almost right, but not quite — the base model and Oxford Edition 2-door hardtop/4-door hardtop are 3-cylinders, with a “Twin Power Turbo;” all Cooper S models + JCW are 4-cylinders.

Yes. MINI driver here. This makes my right eye twitch, seeing that knob not straight the way it should be.

MINI-family here. Both my wife & I are on our 2nd MINIs. Our first MINIs were manual base model 2-door hardtops. Kristen—can confirm, they are STILL a ton of fun, and also that the only way to go is with a manual. We are both in a 2019 MINI Cooper S each now (hers a 60th Anniv model). So.Much.Fun. And about $10k less

I’m fine with this list. SUVs are a scourge upon us in the US and make driving here ridiculously perilous. I agree we shouldn’t outlaw all ridiculously oversized and needlessly gigantic trucks & SUVs, but there should be WAY fewer. Single people, office workers/without families and the need to daily or even weekly

Yes, I absolutely WOULD buy a Peugeot if the company returns to the US. Just spent 10+ days in the UK and drove a French car/saw several interesting varieties that I’d be interested in. It’d be tough to give up my Mini Cooper S but that 308 GTi with a manual would be pretty tempting.