
If listening to Morning Edition interviews has taught me anything this morning, it’s that the people who thought Trump would win and the people who thought Hilary would win before the debate are exactly the same people who thought Trump won and the people who thought Hilary won after the debate.

Perhaps one makes choices that eventually leaves them out the outside of the job market looking in, but I would argue that playing video games is just an extension of being an essentially nonproductive member of society. What this study tells us is that nonproductive members of society are playing more video games, as

Guns- what can’t they do!

I was out and about in Chelsea Saturday night—about 6 blocks away from the bombing—and when we got the news that something had blown up, we paused for a minute and said “shit, what are we supposed to do now?” We carried on with our drinks and then got dinner.

As a Bears and White Sox fan. Fuck everything, fuck it all. Why. Why the fuck do they just keep getting my hopes up by signing solid free agents and looking like they could be the surprise team every year. I was a Cutler apologist, I defend him every time people talk about him not playing with any heart. Fuck

And on the “American Outrage” meter, this revolting display has only earned 0.0001 Kaepernicks.

Mel Gibson ruined Thunderdome with all that “Captain Walker” nonsense. That movie was pretty awesome up until they send Max out into the wasteland on the donkey.

The fundamental difference is that CEOs must, by definition, extract as much from their workers as possible by paying them as little as possible

“I’m against protesting, but I don’t know how to show it.”

It’s too bad about him dying in that plane crash in Iowa.

Can we please note the benefits of the LA stadium plan? By my calculation, after municipal service upgrades (sewer, water, electric), there is no cost borne by the taxpayer. Once again, I think Deadspin would do well to point to the Kroenke model as the starting point for any stadium builds, with the scale moving

Funny that this rendering is basically the Carson stadium proposal with a roof. They even copied that stupid Tesla Death Ray/SB trophy statue that the Chargers wanted.

I said to build a haaaalf of one of these... a haaaaaaalf.

I’m sure they monetize the Yankee Stadium (TM) name for more profit than the Sox got for selling out. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got a trademark on Monument Park.


You Can Put it on the board!

That name’s too long. Let’s shorten it a little bit.

No one would mistake an SKX007 for a Submariner, and very few people would do the same with the Sea Urchin.

No one would mistake an SKX007 for a Submariner, and very few people would do the same with the Sea Urchin.

omg, that’s awful. But this is also why you tie a big, colorful ribbon on your bag and look for that instead of the general shape/color of the bag.