
I work for a large, very large company. Chances are you have seen our commercials; we care about (I just vomited a little in my mouth) people. In regards to corporate speak, most people that been with the company for a while, more than 5 years (lifers) are not the ones that use it.

This right here is some cynical bullshit.

“Thunderbolts and Lighting? Very, very frightening!”

He was well into his 30s when he visited the place where he was born, where his mother had written his name on a wall. “Finally!” he cried. “I will no longer be J. Robinson! From now on I will be.....J Robinson!”

Walked away from the obvious counter of “Yeah, but in 2 hours I won’t be.”

One time I saw an act where a monkey rode a sheep dog and herded sheep into a pen. After the show I happened to see them untying the monkey from the saddle. Innocence lost.

Stan Fox’s 1995 crash was just as bad, if not worse. A little spin the wrong way and he would have been shredded by the fence. Eddie Cheever (in the 14) has said he is thankful Stan hit him before he got to the wall. Stan was heading in nose first and would have probably been killed on impact without Cheever’s car

The stale panini is Jeff Conine.

Too hung over (or just still drunk) on loadout day to care; that tent/cooler full of food/booze/blow(?) came out of Daddy’s money anyway.

This is a very tenuous argument you’re making. Does everyone who’s lost someone to tobacco use get to sue the companies? What about alcohol abuse? Car accidents? What if someone dies in a DUI-related car accident? Can I sue Anheuser AND GM?

did Tony know Tobacco use could cause cancer? Yes. Do chew cans have warnings? Yes. Not sure how they would be liable/should be liable.

Forgetting about the first public humiliation approach for a second: So a coach provides detailed, personalized feedback for how a player can improve, but he’s the bad guy?

What is crazy is this will go up before the lease even ends. Arlington jumped out ahead to prevent them from moving to Dallas. I love this stadium and hate the location. As a fan, this is my worst possible scenario, I lose the stadium and keep the location.

Honestly, build whatever bars you want, but as long as there is no easy public transportation to the game I'm not going to hang around there and have to drive 35 minutes back to Dallas after drinking beers. It's a ridiculously expensive uber ride home as well.

Down here in Texas, people love big business, especially if there's a cheap marketing tie-in to Texas pride. It’s pure Stockholm Syndrome, but Materialism is like a branch of Christianity to these people. You won’t find much resistance locally.

Steve Holt!

The gif that keeps on giving.

My son struck out 8 in four innings of work in his last little league game. Call me only mildly impressed by Max’s outing.

Deep from the terrifying bowels of Mt Shitty Take; Geoffrey Redick appears.