
How about the ladies just stop fucking Republicans?

‘And when you’re a star, they let you do it.’ That phrase implies consent.

THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.

i bet he wishes he had chosen a prolonged standoff with federal authorities over a land dispute now, doesnt he? 18 months indeed.


Lol what? She lost her career?? That analysis isn’t based on any sort of fact just feeling, just like Nikki’s double standard above (plenty praised her for her anaconda, plenty criticized Kardashian).

Yet everywhere I look, I see Kim Kardashian getting called a called a whore and a bad mom for posting those nudes...

That makes a lot of sense, especially in America. The order of who gets the most respect seems to go white men, black men, white women, black women and apparently no one else exists here aside from black and white people.

He probably has lady issues. You know because he is the “nice guy.”

Seriously bro? The game is ruined because you can’t look at Tracer’s ass at the Victory screen anymore?

So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?

Again, bringing up black actresses is great. Telling women to shut up while he explains what’s important makes me roll my fucking eyes so hard.

It’s just savvy marketing.

You say that as if it is a bad thing.

I have Galaxy Note 4 & Gear VR & love the price drop from $250 AUD for Note 4 Gear VR & i have just been waiting for this announcement to upgrade to Note 5 :) I will sell Note 4 Gear Vr as a package come december still want use Gear Vr till then . Depending on the date it is available in Australia i might get a friend

Seriously. If anything, choosing to date a fat woman is MORE of a socially risky thing to do. Mockery at the very least, whether to your face or behind your back.

—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be not only accepted but expected and probably applauded.

—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be social suicide.—

Are we actually going to start asking men to start questioning their preferences? Because from what I can tell, most of the pressure to do this is put on feminist-leaning women. So far, I’ve been told that it’s not reasonable for me to want a guy who has a job or a college degree or who doesn’t live with his parents,