
Yo, you know what pisses me off? Punctuate your run on bullshit.

Uh, clearly not perfect. And clearly not perfectly self balancing. Another example:

It’s literally GG/Sad Puppies the comic book. Nice.

For those characterizing this as a “white lady discount” it isn’t. The wage gap of 77% results from averaging the salaries of all women (of all ethnicities/races) against the salaries of all men (of all ethnicities/races). Subcomparisons can be made, which reveals things such as hispanic women make 53% when compared

Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.

Except she’s clearly not “horrified”. She’s annoyed he’s jumped to the wrong conclusion and interrupted her.

Jesus, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. Husband was like “why are you crying?! Are you ok?!” And I couldn't even explain.

I’m feeling the same. I’ve waited my whole life for a superheroine that could stand up with the other heavy hitters—they always seem to be love interests, sidekicks, or low-powered teammates. Supergirl is powerful and I’m pretty excited, I have to admit.

I cried at the end of the trailer.

Incompetent, dysfunctional, and sexist? And people thought that Al Jazeera wouldn’t be able to fit in with the rest of the American news media!

I am 4000% unsurprised.

I hope he's alright. He doesn't deserve this. As for the bullfighter, fuck that guy.

This is why I am terrified of getting sent to jail or having anything to do with the legal system. I am trans, and I transitioned almost 20 years ago. But, since I did not get any surgery, I would be put in with the men. I am not a man and never was, and being forced to live with men as a ‘man’ with the potential for

Making fun of white girls for liking rosé is kind of a glass house thing for someone whose people brought us Manischewitz wine.

Also, the purse thing just isn’t as common as the manspreading issue. There aren’t that many sane women who plop their purse next to them on a train in New York fucking city. As safe as I feel here, that just seems like a stupid move to me.

A-HA, I KNEW IT. If these were the ONLY posters I could see reasons behind the outrage, but if there’s a whole series—”Please keep your purse in your lap,” “Please keep your elbows tucked in,” “Please do not brain people with your backpack,” etc., and the only thing that pisses them off is this one? Boo-hoo, ya little

The irony of you crying like a fucking baby about “SJWs”.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”

Now playing

Unfortunately, stupid attitudes haven’t really changed in 50 years. Women were only allowed to compete in the bobsled starting in 2002 because they were deemed “fragile”.

Let’s be fuckinger honest: the fact that gender issues, particularly equality, are seen on a left-right political spectrum at all is part of the problem.