
Because nobody ever put lesbians in a video game before, right?

Yep, guess I’m wrong about that.

T-mobile’s software isn’t very good at detecting tethering from unlocked, non-t-mobile phones (like your nexus). It relies on the user agent for those phones, which means tethering to another android device (such as a larger tablet) or an ipad doesn’t count.

The article is wrong. If you reach your tethering limit, any attempt to tether more will bring up a page on t-mobile asking if you’d like to buy more data.

No, it’s actually different. But you’re not actually here to discuss anything, you just want to bitch about t-mobile telling you to stop using your phone as your home broadband because you feel entitled.

Ranch dressing is dumb. Croutons are bad mojo. Shredded cheddar cheese is offensive

It’s not quite the same though, because they’re not throttling you. Your traffic just gets set to a lower priority when the towers are congested. If you move to another tower or the traffic lessens, you get normal LTE speeds again.

Next time perhaps you should actually read the statements from T-mobile. They know exactly who the people are and how many of them there are.

Oh knock it off. T-mobile knows if you’re tethering. They just don’t care if you’re not abusing it.

Which has nothing to do with what we’re talkign about.

That is an awfully broad claim, do you have the evidence to back it up?

Hey, guess what? I never said it was illegal.

We don’t know yet if the FCC will get on T-mobile’s case. If they do, T-mobile might just cancel all unlimited data plans, so nobody wins.

Your t-mobile plan has a tethering limit. Mine is 7gb a month. It’s meant to stop me from using my phone as my home’s broadband, and I’m ok with that.

There are no innocent people going over their 7gb tethering limits. Period. If you’re going over, it’s because you’re cheating by rooting your phone.

You don’t. You just get deprioritized in congested areas. If not a lot of people are using your tower, you still get the same old LTE speeds.

Data is data. On your phone or your laptop, it’s the same

If they advertise unlimited it should be unlimited.

People breaking their contract agreements to use 2 terabytes of data a month (which means you’re probably selling internet access to other people) don’t get to call other people “greedy”.

Someone can’t read.