
Sure seems like a big deal to you.

But only as long as you completely overcompensate by growing a beard, getting 43 tattoos, smoking and wearing a wallet chain.

You’ll stop thinking that’s cool when you watch the cat just purposely knock shit off the shelves and look at you.

Funny how that works, huh?

Completely balanced by the fact that those 3% were the only women who made more money their husbands.

Someone in charge in Uganda actually cares if women are demeaned? Is this Bizarroworld?

Uhh, that’s exactly what they’re doing.

If it was, I have zero problem with that DQ happening.

How are they able to get away with that? Doesn’t Title IX protect her on the team?

Starbucks is like Apple. Their PR department convinced anyone they’re very liberal and progressive, without ever actually doing anything considered liberal or progressive.

The time off needs to be mandatory. That’s the only way it works.

That’s a really big battery for only 8,000 mah, but I suppose that’s part of why it’s under ten bucks.

That’s a really big battery for only 8,000 mah, but I suppose that’s part of why it’s under ten bucks.

Jailed? For an opinion on women?

They’re not allowed.

Mr. Jefferson the art teacher? That guy is obviously evil.

Oh shush, Warren is a great guy. So is William.

That’s sort of the point of the game though.

That nail file looks 100% useless.

I know when I think of Americans, the phrase “sensitive to others” sure pops up first in my mind! /s

Look out, it’s the fuzz (hair police!)