
Does anyone even give half a shit what bathing suit a 65 year old woman picks?

Doesn’t work for me. All the fields are blank.

Kickstarter helps a lot of really great products to get market. That category almost never includes cell phones, however. Don’t invest in cell phones on kickstarter.

Meh. At the same time that displays are becoming higher-rez, they’re also becoming more power efficient, as are CPUs and GPUs, GPSses and wifi.

Good to know!

That’s pretty judgmental.

You can download an ISO if you want and either burn it to DVD or put it on a bootable flash drive and do your clean install from there.

You’re free to go buy a different phone because of the changes, and I’m free to think the reasons you’re giving are actually pretty dumb.

“Just because” crap makes life better.

Stop it. I’m not going to your house with a gun and making you buy anything, so your use of the term “force” is hyperbolic and hinders actual conversation.

You don’t need cables. There are micro USB flash drives now that are so tiny they sit on your key ring and you don’t even know they’re there.

I understand that it’s a loss of convenience. I just think people are getting awfully silly about it, swearing at Samsung and boycotting and shit.

You don’t need any cables. There are micro-USB flash drives now smaller than a postage stamp. They fit right on your key ring.

I’m guessing Samsung will adopt USB C with the Galaxy s7. The S series is where they usually make the big changes. The Note series takes its cues from the previous S releases.

. Also if you’re actually taking 4K videos your internal memory won’t last long

Huh, looks like TWRP has been able to read from flashdrives for some time now.

That seems like a good thing for TWRP to add now that SD cards are disappearing and USB will be standardized between PCs and phones with USB C.

There’s not being afraid of change, and then there’s irrational anger at not being an early adopter.

I’ve never tried, but can TWRP use a backup stored on a flash drive plugged in to the micro USB port?