
8 inch Samsung tablets make beautiful ereaders. The text is sharper than print on paper.

Touchwiz is the launcher, yes.

Apparently all the other <1% of them work in the justice system?

People outside of prison walls have less.

And yet all of these “luxuries” are making exactly no one try to go to prison.

If this tablet is worth going to prison for, why aren’t you there?

History is full of horrifically evil people who were perfectly nice to their family and friends.

Why make excuses for her? She’s a piece of shit, just like him.

She’s the same kind of piece of shit he is.

And those people are wrong anyway. It’s all men vs all women as an average.

It actually does work. Penalize the group that’s getting the unfair advantage. Works like a charm.

The 77% refers to all men vs all women. It’s a total average. So no, you don’t get a testicle discount.

Any special reason you left out asian women? Oh right, because it would weaken your point.

Their personalities aren’t based around their sexuality. This accusation says more about you than anything else.

Bi isn’t gay.

Swift’s is much better.

Wouldn’t be fast enough if you went in feet first.

I’d guess she’s always been this way. She just didn’t talk about her politics before.

If the victims are women, yes.

You weren’t treated like shit by the society you lived in to the degree these Islamic girls are by theirs. It’s easy to want to escape to where people share your beliefs when you’re vilified for them at home.