
An MRA website.

expandable storage which no-one needs with ubiquitous cloud solutions

The 810 is a complete bust. Your phone will just throttle itself a few minutes into any game.

Hey, another use for my nvidia Shield TV. This thing just keeps getting better and better as a gaming console.

Conservative Christians lying? Say it ain’t so! /s

Happens to me all the time. I usually wear my hair up when I fly, and security almost always wants to feel it up.

At long last a reason for the primping that usually proceeds a woman’s phone call

They started an entire movement simply because Kotaku wrote an article that said these guys didn’t have to be the primary gaming market.

Yah, it doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out.

That’s quite a sweeping generalization of Deadspin.

For now, the app only identifies birds in Canada and the U.S., excluding Hawaii.

As such things invariably go, it’s already out of date! Curry ramen is tearing up the ramen shops now.

It’s actually not, at all. IOS has more unique vulnerabilities than any other mobile OS.


Now, with our terrain more uniform — in all honesty the big expanse of river I had envisioned the Mississippi being

TIL that I’m literally Hitler for telling a troll it’s mean to pick on fat people.

TIL that I’m literally Hitler for not hating fat people.

  • Are there so few black people in Spokane that all the members just looked the other way? BE HONEST.

First a post in favor of hating fat people, now you want Pao to resign.

I can’t stand Taystee, but Poussey is a great character.