
It’s good when psychopaths get caught early.

Tayor Swift is the exact opposite of feminist.

Or just don’t wear one.

Who the hell is MC?

Honestly, if women having jobs tears the fabric of your society apart, your society’s fabric was shit anyway and should be torn apart.

It does for men. That’s why we have to keep bringing it up.

Go to the forums or reddit you’ve got wifes outing husbands the drama is real

The way they described it last year was that it’s tied to your account, and you can have it active on one device at a time. If you want to reinstall it, you just remove it from that device and you can put it back on again.

I believe they’re switching to account-based licensing, so you can just download a full version (assuming you have a genuine license) instead of an upgrade.

A possible hot guy in it doesn't make it a chick flick though. Every single superhero show in TV has a relationship in it.

If feminists are so violent, why cant you find an example newer than 45 years ago?

This trailer actually hits every satirical point of last weeks SNL parody with 100% accuracy and 0% irony.

One way it’s REALLY different is that Supergirl isn’t about mooning over a guy. There’s no boyfriend in the trailer, anywhere.

I think it looks awesome.

A right-winger wouldn’t have a problem with you making excuses for being racist to Native Americans. That’s exactly what you did. You just said it’s ok to be racist to Native Americans.

So you’re going to blame her racism on white people?

You sound exactly like the anti-gay nutbags from the 60s who insisted homosexuality was a mental illness. So it’s understandable if people listening to you think you’re a right-wing nutbag. I mean, you’re literally saying the same stuff.

this business of being PC to the extreme is doing some major damage

See I think it’s a surgical answer to a mental disorder. Sorry. I know that pisses lots of people off but what exactly is the difference to humoring a man who says he is a woman and another person who says he is a lion or a barbie or what not? I mean why not address the real issue?

But my main gripe with mobile phone cameras is the time it takes to take a picture. While even cheap point-and-shoot cameras take pictures instantly when you touch the button, mobile phone cameras take a good half second or more, at which point what you wanted to catch is no longer there. That really needs to improve.