
He’s not alone. A lot of professional photographers are comfortable using the newest generation of smartphone cameras and they’re pretty vocal about it.

Concern trolling is when you’re opposing something but pretending you’re really for it... it’s just that they’re doing it wrong and you’re wooorrrrrried it could go badly so maybe they shouldn’t do it, for the good of the movement!

Why am I more interested in a game just because it might star a female protagonist?

I think you’re concern trolling.

I like port.

The driving one was pretty damn sexist, but the rest were funny.

We used tuning forks on our tomato greenhouse farm. Not sure we could have gotten a vibrator that hummed at that high a rate.

MRAs are unswayed by facts.

only using sources from the sites they were critizing the entire time,

Ah yes, the page the real wikipedia officially declared “worthless spam”.

Well, prominent figures of the “other” side of the controversy were either catched trying to inflict hate comments on themselves or at least behaved in a way to raise suspicion of self inflited hate tweet

When GG claims to be harassed, it didn’t happen and was self inflicted

But there is a way it’s different. GG pretends to be a movement based on ethical behavior. Doing unethical things (such as accusing people of terrorism with no evidence to back it up) becomes not just shitty, but also hypocritical.

Yah it’s especially ironic coming from the side pretending to be a movement based on ethics.

Awww, are you crying?

That person seriously sucks.

What does your adorable little rant have to do with Milo and Christina being habitual liars?

Right, because some people 35 years ago delivering bomb threats totes means feminists today do.

Yes, I was being very specific about Milo and Christina, not Gamergate as a whole.