
Kanye should stfu.


It's because the public is still titillated by stories of female rapists. They get coverage every time it happens, whereas when a man does it, it's just another Tuesday.

I love how your explanation for the sexism includes the assumption that the boys were getting the right answers and the girls weren't.

Math grading isn't as binary as people want to believe. Teachers give partial credit, and the criteria is completely subjective.

It's found in partial credit, which is entirely subjective.

It's stupid that anytime woman violence or abuse is mentioned in Middle East or Africa that it's Islam fault when it gives woman purposely the highest position in society. The mother is placed on a pedestal above a father and the teaching it gives on respecting women.

Or you could carry a small game controller and have the best of both worlds.

(because he's a bloody member of every team :( )

Glad to see he got caught and had to resign. I think the whole fight over whether to capitalize "white" is pretty dumb, though.

You've got to be kidding. You have a genuine neo-nazi party taking parliament seats across Europe. How can you pretend these people don't exist?

The reactionary social movement that GG represents has been here for 40 years and will likely be here another 40 years. Ignoring them won't make them go away.

That second part is important. Hollywood figures even the most useless man on the planet still deserves to own a supermodel.

The ruling is pretty stupid for sure, but the science actually backs them. Men can lactate, even without third party hormonal intervention. All the necessary organs are there.

Evopsych isn't science.

If you think you get shit for saying you want to be a pro gamer as a guy... say it as a girl. You have NO idea.

Why? Am I supposed to get something out of pseudoscience?

Biologically, men have evolved to have better hand-eye coordination and motor skills, as it was required for hunting.

While I know lots of women who game (me included), I can't say I know any who play the amount of time required to go pro. That seems to be something only guys want to do, in general.