
I survived Peter Molyneux and the Fable 1 hype train, along with the Halo 2 over promised, deadline missing debacle of the aughts, so the hate (not criticism) over ver. 1 of NMS was the circlejerk of hate that gives the internet a bad name. So the game wasn’t the euphoric, orgasmic space experience that you saw from

Only if you’re staying in r/all posts or hanging out on the_Donald for some reason. We don’t tolerate that shit on r/AskALiberal, r/woodworking, r/DIY, etc.

I could not disagree more. Why don’t you at least re-word the headline so people can CHOOSE to spoil the first episode for themselves? When I recommend S-Town, I always tell people not to read about it, so they won’t find out that John’s letter doesn’t exactly pan out, and the story shifts to John himself.

I’m pretty sure “Fallout” is “the snob’s Fallout game”

Man I so wish we could get a Demon’s Souls remaster!

For me it wasn’t about free games. It was about the ability to load my Wii and GC library onto a hard drive on my Wii (and eventually my Wii you) so my kids didn’t accidentally scratch up my discs when they wanted to play.

You can learn a lot more about how to operate a weapon by going on Google than playing any video game in existence. This focus on video games is stupid and a pathetic attempt at distracting people from the real issue.

Everybody move on to Neil Breen. He has like five baffling films in his ouvre!

No one seems to have that expectation from Microsoft...

i wish i could give more than 1 start to this comment

I thought it was the prequel Emoticons. 8^0

Yet because Melville wrote Moby Dick it turned out to be Moby Dick... almost as though the dumb nerd book is garbage because it’s poorly written

Ready Player One is the Big Bang Theory of films.

“possibly the most boring” shut up. If you actually believed that, you’re an idiot.

I agree. Game developers should be anticipating our needs and just release a switch version from the start.

You did read the part where that interview was 15 years ago, right? But now you’re done????

As someone whose all time favorite movie is The Life Aquatic, “The Grand Budapest Hotel” very nearly toppled it. It was so, so good. Honestly, it was better than The Life Aquatic, but it won’t replace my favorite.

I’m a vegan pacifist borderline-celibate teetotal feminist card-carrying social-democrat who only uses public transport, campaigns for progressive liberal causes and is involved weekly in muliple charities often at the expense of my own private income, and yet I still feel I’m not ‘woke’ or socially conscious enough

Women need to explicitly say no, especially younger women. NO NO NO NO. I never had any problems saying that word. If they didn’t get what no meant, it was followed by a kick or a knee to the crotch. Women seem to give to much of their power away.

Reads part about about clicking sound followed with nothing.
“PSU, for sure.”
Reads end regarding lemon PSU.