Like the Beetle that ‘just needs a timing belt’. It’s going to need more than that, unless the timing belt happened to snap while the car was stationary.
Like the Beetle that ‘just needs a timing belt’. It’s going to need more than that, unless the timing belt happened to snap while the car was stationary.
using a single controller that outputs commands to all three games at once
You’re making an assumption that I either live in the same country as you, or one that has the same tax laws.
I played it when it was in Early Access and loved the survival part of the game - obviously very similar to lots of other survival games, but the graphics/art style and atmospheric audio makes all the difference. I’m looking forward to going back to it now that there’s a story mode.
Great list. Some obscure titles that I’ve played, so I’m really happy to see some love for them, but also some that I haven’t and now really want to check out (I just bought Heat Signature yesterday - it’s on sale in the Humble Store).
Best thing is to find a job that necessitates a powerful PC, so however much you spend on it it’s totally justified (and tax deductible).
It’s just had a huge patch on Xbox One that should bring it out of ‘complete mess’ status. Beyond that, you’ll just have to be patient.
I can see how cutting the casino side story would make for a more cohesive, tighter film - but then we wouldn’t get to see the casino at all, and in the end isn’t world building like that what makes Star Wars Star Wars? The film is two and a half hours but doesn’t feel that long - I could quite happily sit through a 5…
Atlus’ cult PS3 hit
It’s like they just want one space battle, one lightsaber duel, one more space battle and then credits. I like seeing what else is going on in the galaxy.
That’s how I took it. It was a movie about how our heroes lost all the battles but somehow still managed to win the war (in the sense that they still have each other, that there is always hope, that they can rebuild and fight back). It was the first Star Wars movie (in the main series at least - I’m not forgetting…
I need to watch Clone Wars.
But for anyone with a garden (I realise this isn’t an option for most people), a real Christmas tree in a pot without its roots cut off that can be kept outside the rest of the year is a similar long term investment without any initial environmental impact to justify.
Are any of them really alive or are they all just in a turtle’s dream?
He looked the way he looked when Kylo last saw him, so either that was intentional effort on Luke’s part or Luke just projected himself and Kylo saw him how he remembered him. Leia saw the same younger version of Luke, but then she hadn’t seen him for about the same length of time so the same goes for her.
Yeah, wasn’t that a huge plot point in the prequels, especially Attack of the Clones? That Anakin and Padme’s love was forbidden for some reason. Either because of the Jedi code or maybe it was for some other reason.
And some were fans of the extended universe. I saw someone ripping into it refer to Kylo Ren as Jacen-Lite. Yes, fine, I enjoyed those books too, but just because they’re not the source material for these new movies doesn’t automatically make the new movies terrible. This way we can have our cake and eat it.
Yes. It’s something I’ve been thinking since The Phantom Menace.
“The minor details in this space opera with laser swords and wizards make no sense!”
I liked it. You wouldn’t die instantly in space - you’d have a few seconds to be rescued. If you could rescue yourself using the Force, even better.