
Real time tactics, not strategy. It started out very similar to Bungie’s previous game, Myth.

Real time tactics, not strategy. It started out very similar to Bungie’s previous game, Myth.

It was basically because Microsoft owned Bungie and they also owned Ensemble Studios, who made Age of Empires. Ensemble were trying to develop an RTS game for the Xbox 360 and Microsoft told them to make it a Halo game (because Halo sells, I guess). Bungie weren’t that happy about it but there wasn’t much they could

Doesn’t the term come from football? As in a season pass that is a ticket to all matches your team plays that season. And a football season is 8-9 months (in the UK). But I thought in gaming terms the game was your team and the DLC was the matches, so a season pass gave you access to all the game’s DLC, regardless of

There is no ‘usual’. It doesn’t mean you get all the DLC released in a season, for example summer, or that you get all of the DLC released during a year. If anything, it’s usually taken to mean that all DLC is included, regardless of when it’s released, although sometimes developers will plan a certain amount of DLC

I vaguely remember this from the time, because I remember Metallica/Lars Ulrich speaking out against Napster (which she mentions) but all I remember from that was they were really against Napster and sued them, slightly missing the point that the appeal of Napster wasn’t just that it was free (not that I’m saying that

It’s a dollar per person to the 10 million people who can list an already obvious reason.

Yeah, the 30 Rock jokes weren’t my immediate go-to when this scandal kicked off last week, because it’s not as if I remember every single moment of all 7 seasons, but I’m sure I took it as a generic casting couch/sleeping with producer to get job joke that just happened to name check Harvey Weinstein (because he’s

But it comes with a free car!

I used to live in London and sometimes caught trains from platform 9 (although it was usually 7) when I went to visit my parents so, as a jaded Londoner, it was just something I would roll my eyes at as I tried to push through a crowd of people that were blocking the train doors.

It looks like this -

I just see it as a waste of pizza. Why would people do that to pizza? I’d at least try to give it to the people in the house for all the shit they’ve taken over the years, but they probably never want to see another pizza in their lives and I wouldn’t want to disturb their evening.

Setting up a RPi is not really any more complicated than this process of adding ROMs to the Classic consoles - plus it comes with the convenience of multiple emulated systems on one device and a wide range of controllers.

If by ‘main consoles’ you mean PS4 and Xbox One, then the Xbox One is capable of playing quite a lot of Xbox 360 games, but it’s not because the console is natively backwards compatible, but rather that the games have been individually ported to the Xbox One and then you have the choice of buying them digitally or, if

When I was a kid I never thought about how or why the SNES didn’t play NES games, or the N64 didn’t play SNES games, but when the PS2 came along with (close enough to) 100% backwards compatibility with PSX games it was a huge selling point and it made so much sense that it seemed like it was going to be standard

It doesn’t, but it’s still very good and still very Blade Runner, taking a lot of cues from the original soundtrack.

Don’t just throw them out - especially not the ones you’ve pictured/mentioned there, because they’re all ones that are worth something, so either sell them for a good bit of cash or, if you’re not bothered about the money, just give them away, so at least they go to someone who wants them and can get use out of them.

I was aware going in that it wasn’t going to land me a well paying job straight after graduation, but I also didn’t want to choose something that I hated doing. I actually first started a joint honours degree in History and Mathematics - because I enjoy history and I’m good at maths and that seemed a good way to keep

Wow, you’re right. We can still read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that are thousands of years old, but now that communication is largely digital it’s much more transient. People are living entire lives digitally - in World documents, on Twitter, in World of Warcraft - and if we lose access to that digital