
Same here! I also have a history degree and I’ve done nothing with it. I remember getting to the final year and having to think about what I was going to do after I graduated and reading that something like 80% of history graduates go on to be accountants or similar. Digital archaeologist sounds much more interesting! 

Officially? I’ve done it with a mod before but not needing to do that anymore is excellent news.

Now playing

There is no controller support OOTB. You can use a controller by going through the control options and reassigning each action to a button manually like so -

+1 I keep saying this as well. I know some people are collectors, so they have to have things like the official Nintendo NES and SNES Classics, but this doesn’t seem in the same league quality-wise and it will be using emulation, so you might as well get a Raspberry Pi and be doing it with better hardware and

It does seem a bit high. I’m in the UK so I deal in £ not $ but a Raspberry Pi 3 - the most powerful one that could run more demanding emulators for consoles such as the Dreamcast - is about £30, a 64gb micro SD is £20, then an official Xbox One controller with Bluetooth is £40, and you might want to get a case for

Same here. Like a lot of people I started with VII, then played VIII and IX, but then when the older games were ported to the Playstation in 2000 or so I went back and played them in order, including playing VII, VIII and IX again before going on to X (except for having to miss out III until it was released on the

When you say SNES you mean American SNES, right? Because it was also called the SNES in the UK but was the same design as the Japanese version. So my SNES is not your SNES.

I don’t know about Galactic Conquest but split screen and online co-op on the PC version can be made possible with mods. The team that worked on this new multiplayer update had full access to the source code, so if they plan on any further updates perhaps there could be official integration of those features at a

Wow, this is pretty cool. I saw someone on my friend’s list playing it earlier, which made me realise it had been renamed to ‘Star Wars: Battlefront II (Classic, 2005)‘, but I didn’t realise that that was part of an update that had added new official multiplayer servers.

Yeah, my Rick and Morty fandom consists of -

My Rick and Morty fandom consists of -

You probably don’t need me to point this out but watching it doesn’t mean you have to deal with obnoxious fans or that you will become one. Just give it a go, see what you think, and stay off Reddit. If you want to read up on/discuss anything about it afterwards, I recommend Film Crit Hulk’s episode reviews.

Some games age well and some don’t, regardless of whether you played them at the time and however much nostalgia you have for them. I think you’re more likely to be forgiving with a game that hasn’t aged well if you have nostalgia for it, but it’s still going to be really obvious that it hasn’t aged well and make it

You still chose to put numbers in front of them though, and is it really a coincidence that Final Fantasy VI is next to 1? Don’t worry, I understand. :P

Yeah, Get Schwifty was where I was worried that the show had lost it. Fortunately S2 picked right back up after it. Although it has grown on me slightly since then.

Particle beam in a wristwatch, snake holster on the leg.

Cut to three weeks earlier...

Maybe she runs competitively.

Right, so if Minecraft’s ‘battle royale’ mode was initially called Hunger Games then obviously it was inspired by The Hunger Games. But it wasn’t made by the same guy so my point is that PU called the mode/his mod Battle Royale because it was directly inspired by that book/movie.
