
No, he got the whole idea direct from Battle Royale, not via The Hunger Games.


This was my Castlevania game. Not my first Castlevania game - that was Castlevania: The Adventure on the original GameBoy, which I wanted to like way more than I actually did because it was just so damned difficult (at least for me, as a small child). This was the next one I played and the first one I completed and

To form their own opinion on it?

That’s a great comparison. Except, unlike a TV show, the sun is something that everyone can see and is aware of, regardless of whether they go out of their way to look at it, and, unlike temperature, whether someone likes something or not is not something you can objectively quantify using standardised measurements.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he was referring the fans, not people who could make/are actually making it happen.

Tree star makes no sense, I’m with you on that, but sleep story is cute.

In reading this article I got really confused when I got to the second paragraph, which starts -

fast and loose with continuity

This crap is why I can’t stand pc gaming.

Yeah, I have a desktop and a laptop and I use them both for games - mostly the desktop, obviously, as it’s more powerful, has bigger/better screens and audio and gives me the option of controller or keyboard/mouse controls - but the laptop is not a $1000 gaming laptop. It’s a pretty decent HP Envy that I only paid

Like, when it’s thrown out of a window?

You’d be hard pressed to find a laptop that couldn’t run The Last Remnant if you’re buying new. It’s almost 9 years old and the recommended spec wasn’t even that high at the time. You won’t even need a gaming laptop - integrated graphics will be able to handle it just fine.

First time I’ve heard “It’s not a feature, it’s a bug” instead of the other way round.

I’m pretty sure I got a 2 week free trial with some sort of bonus items or something from a Humble Bundle a few years ago, so I think I have an account, but I can’t seem to find/remember the details of it. I think I grabbed it thinking ‘I’d love to get into that space game’ and then just didn’t have time to play it.

Too late!

I only have one! No, wait, the Windows 10 version came free with the regular PC version. I guess no one can have just one version of Minecraft...

I really want to get into EVE but I feel that a) I’m too late, I’ve missed the boat, should have gotten into it at least 10 years ago, and b) even if I can get into it, it’s going to take me years to get anywhere in it. Is it noob-friendly at all?

Both are acceptable spellings. Considering it’s named after a player called The Judge it makes sense to retain the ‘e’ in this context.

How did I not know that?