2. Yeah, it’s meant to be New England, not New Ireland! Sheesh!
2. Yeah, it’s meant to be New England, not New Ireland! Sheesh!
IT 2 - Older and Pennywiser
If they do that, they’re going to have to somehow explain how the kids only aged 5-10 years in the 27 years it took IT to come back.
The way Kotaku works, two week old posts get put up at the top as suggested articles all the time and it’s easy to read them without noticing the date on them, and the way the comments section works it’s frustratingly difficult to see whether anyone else has already written anything along the same lines - but, even if…
These things are not mutually exclusive - they can make great games and consoles and still also make baffling business decisions and be out of touch.
Not as easy to remember as JWEI9287JG-OOO000OO0o-111l1lll1lllIIIllll-VWVWWWVVVWV-)@#()$@#)(*TY)(@$GJlsj
Not just you. I read the whole article thinking ‘Poor car’.
Working from home and depression can be a terrible mix. I’m never sure whether I’m depressed because I work from home or I work from home because I’m depressed.
“How did World War III start?”
That’s my identical twin brother, the angry racist.
Well, as they’ve opened the door to fans making games, perhaps we’ll see some DLC for this game with fan created content - either from authorised fan developers like Taxman or curated packs of fan created levels (like the community map packs for UT2004 back in the day!) or even something like Steam workshop support.
I play on both - primarily on PC - and I get more random friend requests after playing online on my consoles. Also the lack of text chat and fewer players with mics on consoles means I’m not subject to a torrent of abuse about how good/bad I am on consoles.
Some Man’s Sky!
And throw in a bit of maths - why pay someone Y when you can pay someone else X to do the same job, where X < Y?
I played the DayZ mod, haven’t tried the standalone. I hadn’t played either of the ArmA games when it came out but I did play Operation Flashpoint back in the day and loved the idea of that sort of hardcore, almost simulation level, gameplay with zombies thrown in so I bought ArmA II to play it. The standalone was…
I’ve never touched DayZ standalone - after playing dozens of hours of the mod for free I didn’t see the point in paying £20 for a game that didn’t even have all of the features of the mod - and, last time I checked, still didn’t. But I’ve also got H1Z1, which is where I first played this Battle Royale style gameplay,…
Yeah, I’m aware of Rocket League’s history, all the way back to Psyonix’s work on UT2004, which I was massively into back in the day. It just feels like in this case it’s the lackluster predecessor that’s become a staggering success - although, as it’s Early Access, the presumption is that it will evolve into a…
Yeah, it’s the friend part that I get stuck at - I don’t know that many PC gamers, let alone PC gamers who play this kind of game. I do have one friend who asked me how this game was, assuming I already had it because it’s exactly the sort of thing I play, which is a fair assumption, but I don’t think he’s planning on…
It’s just that, from what I’ve seen of other people playing it on Twitch and YouTube, it looks only marginally more polished than DayZ - a free mod which came out 5 years ago. For £25 I’d expect something more. Do you feel you’ve got your money’s worth?