
Every time I hear about this game I want to buy it - it makes sense because I’ve played a lot of DayZ, although I never tried this mod for it - however, every time I see this game it makes me think ‘Why are people buying and/or going nuts for this buggy piece of shit? Especially for the price it’s at.’

I’ve played Dota 2 but not LoL, but looking at it it looks like it controls exactly the same way, which is like an RTS because MOBA came out of RTS.

I agree. I recently bought Final Fantasy VII (again!) on the PS4 - mainly for the convenience of being able to play it on the newer console but also because now I can stream it to my laptop and do some grinding while I’m watching TV and also because if I’m going to play it through again I might as well get a platinum

What government record did she tamper with? Is there any more detail on that?

You lost me at “soccer would be much better”.

Classic. Now I just wish this game had jumpers for goal posts!

An offsides isn’t a rule so much as a warning, as half the arena will light up at any time and any ball carrier within that side will be red-carded if they haven’t vacated within a few seconds.

Not a game developer myself, so it would be great to hear from someone with the requisite level of knowledge and experience in this area, but from what little I know of programming and game engines it would be relatively simple to change the speed of the jump/time in air and the collision/hit boxes.

Yeah, ‘igniting the pop culture obsession for [sic - should be with] zombies’ would be more accurate. He wasn’t the fuel, he was the guy who lit the molotov cocktail and threw it into our faces.

a place to plug in a network cable

I didn’t say there was anything inherently bad about hacking. What I said was that hacking is what’s necessary to take mods online in GTA V and that what people do with those hacks/mods online can be bad. I don’t know how many GTA Online players are using mods to change their font or FOV or whatever because I can’t

Saints Row then.

I also love the single player and play the game mostly for that - however, my main problem with online is that it feels too much like single player except without any specific objectives. There are tons of things to do, which leaves you paralysed with indecision, and it’s not clear what everything actually involves -

I think the key distinction with this game is that it’s relatively easy to get a mod to work in single player mode but using any mod in GTA Online, whether it’s harmless (like, as you say, a pink gun) or harmful in the sense that it ruins other players’ fun (like bikes that fly and allow you to drop bombs on other

Thank you. The lack of distinction between these two things over the last week or so has really bugged me. If I want to play as Rick from Rick and Morty, use a Samsung Note 7 as a hand grenade, or just add some new/different/better looking textures to the game, those are mods, because they are adding/changing game

Modders =/= hackers.

There are some pretty great third party USB NES and SNES controllers out there, but the official NES Classic controllers (and presumably also the upcoming SNES ones) can also be used with a Raspberry Pi via a USB adapter or wirelessly by plugging them into a Wii remote and connecting that to the Pi via Bluetooth,

Hey, did you know...

I can’t believe we’re getting secret of manna and earthbound and super Mario RPG on the same system

It was finished, just not released because the N64 was about to be released and they wanted to make a new, 3D Star Fox game for that.