
I’m right with you on that - when I go to play something on my PC, it’s just force of habit to click on the Steam shortcut and either just relaunch whatever I played last or browse through my list and see what appeals - or see which friends are online and whether they’re playing anything I could join. If I have a

It’s a remaster. There are only so many things you can remaster before it becomes a remake. Try listing things that you can remaster and it won’t be long before you get to sound.

I don’t think people say it but it’s easier/shorter to write.

But the S has 4k output...

Or an XboneR.

Yes, top comment. Everything about the Xbox One X is telling us that it’s not a new generation - it doesn’t play games that the original Xbox One or Xbox One S can’t. Microsoft (and before them Sony) were talking for years about plans to have mid-generation incremental hardware improvements that weren’t new

II was my introduction as well - got a PC just after it was released so it was one of my first games for it. Although I did go back and play the first game at some point in recent years, maybe about 5 years or so. It held up rather well - not as well as II, but still perfectly playable. I’ve put a couple hundred hours


Marvel/Disney still owe Sony for using the Playstation 2 font for the first Spider-man movie.

Came here to post this!

I know this. I don’t have a problem with launching them, I have a problem with having to buy them from the Windows Store. I get that me wanting to buy them on Steam is just a personal preference, wanting to have everything in the same place, but my main point is that Microsoft said they would continue to put their

I can only think of Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive and Forza as examples of true Xbox One exclusives. Everything else is on PC, either Steam or Windows Store exclusive (which I’m not a fan of but at least they’re available).

As someone who already is/always has been a PC gamer, the Xbox One just baffles me. I do own one (because it was very, very cheap) but all I’ve played on it is Halo 5. I do have Gears of War 4 for it, because I played all the others on the 360 and it just feels right to have it on console, but I could have bought it

It will cost more but you can also use it for more so it just depends what you want.

^This. I really wish we could lock down the ‘exclusive’ terminology. I’m going through the list of games thinking ‘Oh, I’ll have to get that on my Xbox One’, but no, it’s going to be on PC as well so I’ll just get it on that, which still leaves my Xbox One with no games except maybe Crackdown 3. ‘Xbox exclusive’ needs

This Windows Store exclusive game bullshit needs to stop - it’s not good for anyone. Microsoft released Quantum Break on the Windows Store last year and no one bought it, then they put it on Steam and it’s been doing really well. The same thing happened with Rise of the Tomb Raider. At some point they seemed to have

Why is that a concern?

That’s some good trollin’.

That’s all very well but it’s not thinking about it from a marketing point of view. Consumers don’t need to know whether a company makes a loss on a console or what a userbase is - they just need to be told why they should want a product.

Why deliberately? I haven’t played it - its release is what prompted me to get around to playing the first two games, and I loved them, but I didn’t go on to play 3 after finishing 2 because I had tried the demo and it didn’t seem to fit. I’ve got it and I keep meaning to start it - should I just not bother?