
I think the problem is going to be when parents that don’t follow gaming or technology at all are trying to buy for their kids (my parents would never have bought me something so expensive but I’ve heard that it does happen!). If they go into a store and just ask for an Xbox, they’re going to get asked ‘An Xbox One?

But the average consumer didn’t know the difference between the Wii and the Wii U, think that the Wii U was some sort of accessory for the Wii, and those were two completely different consoles from different generations. It’s all very well if you follow this sort of thing - we’re going to know the difference, but

Well technically the Wii U was just a souped up Wii (and the Wii just a souped up GameCube), but what Patricia means is that it’s the Wii U all over again in terms of trying to market a confusingly named console.

Triple Xbox.

I don’t know what they’re doing with the Dead Space franchise. It’s almost as bad as Nintendo with Metroid.

If Dead Space 3 wasn’t Dead Space then we still need a new Dead Space.

Well the virtual account is free so you’ve got nothing to lose there. I think they make their money from commission on real money transactions but as I haven’t done any of those I don’t know what their fees are like. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at the stock market but I’ve always thought it would require a) a

Development studio Mojo Bones released Impact Winter on Steam through publisher Bandai Namco after an unsuccessful 2014 Kickstarter.

I’ve been playing around with eToro, a stock trading website that gives you virtual funds to play with, so you can see if you’re any good at it without losing any money, but it also has this really great feature where you can ‘follow’ other traders, allocating a certain amount of money to copy all of the transactions

I came here and didn’t see color.

That’s ridiculous. Save data isn’t covered by copyright laws - you’re free to distribute that as much as you want (there are websites dedicated to sharing it!).

Just out of interest - where and when did you sell that PS3? Because I found one recently that’s on 2-point-something firmware and still has the ‘Install Other OS’ option on it, which must be a rare find these days! I know anything pre-3.55 is highly desirable because of CFW but the Other OS option was removed before

But how is that wrong?

Yeah, the new exploit lets you do really basic things like change the background music of your homescreen, which is something I didn’t know I wanted to be able to do before I found out about it. But that’s a far cry from piracy and cheating online.

But now it can be played on the go! Oh, wait...

So just almost impossible as opposed to impossible, or 99% impossible as opposed to 100% impossible?

Yeah, a port of a handheld title is a killer app for any console!

At least he’d have plenty of time to catch it again!

100% almost impossible

Trump says everything is about Trump so it’s about Trump.