
Some words hit hard, though. As far as I’m concerned, she threw the first punch. Maybe if there was a derogatory word for white people that carried as much weight he could have just verbally assaulted her in return. He didn’t have to hit her - two wrongs don’t make a right, of course - but I can see how he was driven

Are you kidding? Those are the ones I’d make a beeline for!

Moondew Harvest Valley.

I thought this was out already. Why did I think that?

In a recent interview, Andrzej Sapkowski claimed that the games had cost him book sales, causing Dmitry Glukhovsky (author of Metro 2033) to say he was ‘totally wrong’ and call him an ‘arrogant motherfucker’.

From what I heard, the author was asked if he wanted to be involved with the development of the video games and he snubbed the offer, apparently thinking that the games weren’t going to be a success and that video games aren’t a credible medium, so he has a serious case of sour grapes.

Yeah, if the only people who own, or are even aware of, the game are the developers who are farming it for cards, who is buying the cards off them? Just people who want to level up their profile by crafting cheap badges?

Unless they mean a history of men asking her to perform oral acts?

Multiplayer games are always better when you get to choose who you play with, even if you don’t know them in real life or even very well online. Obviously it’s wouldn’t be multiplayer without other people, and that’s what matchmaking is for, but it makes all the difference going into a game with someone that you’ve

SPOILERS HERE (from having played the first hour via the PS4 demo) -

Half-life meets Dead Space meets Bioshock System Shock kind of fun 

I was worried that the lack of demo on PC was a sign of a badly optimised port. I am glad to see this is not the case, as it’s my platform of choice.

I mean, fully functional would mean it could at least meet the maximum requirements of the system for a decent period of time, not the minimum requirements flat out.

People on TV don’t go to the bathroom.

Oh right, I thought you meant screencap tools in general, obviously. Yeah, the Uncharted 4 photo mode is really useful, more games should have it - because even with the PC version of The Witcher you’d still have to use mods/debug console to get those sorts of results, which is nowhere near as user friendly. Maybe

Ah yes, of course. Halo certainly was a landmark game in terms of graphics, narrative and proving to the world at large that an FPS could be done on a console, but Halo 2 was an excellent sequel and certainly a huge technological stet forward in terms of being the first online Halo game, and pretty much making Xbox

That would be my take on it too, i.e. it’s not trying to call him gay and shame him for it but rather imply that he and Putin are lovers, which means he would do anything for him, even if it’s a conflict of interests for the country he (Trump) is supposed to be running. Basically, he could have said the same thing

Eldest Trump?

You have screencap tools on the PS4! What do you think the Share button is for? Go into your settings, change the file format to PNG for better quality and (if preferred) set it so that just pressing the Share button once quickly takes a screenshot (by default pressing Share brings up the Share menu and then you have