He’ll never get my copy! Never!
He’ll never get my copy! Never!
The VIP was probably perfectly healthy until she got exposed to the hard vacuum of space. So it’s not a case of healing the VIP, it’s a case of repairing the VIP’s spaceship, which is difficult to do whilst in-flight and/or under attack, unless you have an R2 unit, which haven’t been added to the game yet.
The Xbox essentially got the PC version of San Andreas - it was first released on PS2 in October 2004, then the PC and Xbox versions was released simultaneously in June 2005 and the Xbox version had all of the technical upgrades that the PC version got - so much extra detail on everything, more impact zones on the…
You should be able to get a refund - if not full, then at least the difference between full and sale price - if you bought it that recently and it’s now on sale. I’ve seen a few instances of people being able to do that, so give it a try, nothing to lose.
Which, in case you didn’t know already, is the actual name of a GameCube USB loader for the Wii U that enables it to play GameCube games - because the Wii U should be capable of playing them natively (because it is just an upgraded Wii, which was just an upgraded GameCube, so same architecture), it’s just that…
I’ve only played it for a short time but, when I did, I woke up on a beach and the first person I met there was all like ‘Hey, how’s it going? Are you new? Need any help? Want some food?’ They seemed pretty friendly - the only problem was, I was so used to playing DayZ that I was incredibly wary of this (because…
Not as long as people keep giving them money. Infinite Warfare was derided by critics and fans alike both before and after release and sales for it were down compared to previous entries in the series. That didn’t stop it from becoming the highest selling console game of 2016 within a month of release.
Yes, because no one has ever made a WWII game before.
Unless they would consider living somewhere like Buffalo or Syracuse - New York and New York City are not synonymous.
That’s telekinesis, Kyle!
The Switch’s fighting game, Arms, will drop June 16th, as are yellow Joy-Con
And you just know that there will be a complete edition at some point, which will most likely go down to $20 in the first sale its in. So the only question really is how soon do you want it?
Too lazy to summarise so just RTFA.
So 6-9 million? I wonder how many of those have been found...
Andromeda is a far cry from the quality of the original trilogy.
Just posted that in a bunch of responses. Glad someone else is on the same level!
Destiny’s Child
Destiny’s Child
Destiny’s Child
Des2ny - Destiny’s Child