
Unless it happens to be the moment that those particular trees burned.

Unexploded bombs from the Blitz are still being found in London and around the rest of the UK (one was found in the Thames on January 19th this year). With 40-60 million artillery shells fired in a relatively localised area during the battle of Verdun, it’s a safe bet there could still be some unexploded ones in the

They won’t be landmines; they’ll be unexploded artillery shells. In this kind of warfare - a battle of attrition with a ‘front’ - it would be pretty difficult to place landmines anywhere where they would do more damage to the enemy than your own troops.

Some Early Access games are fun to play as-is, some aren’t. I’ve never played DayZ standalone because I put hundreds of hours into the mod, had a server I liked and whenever I checked in on the standalone it seemed that it was still behind the mod, but I have played and got my money’s worth out of both Rust and H1Z1

When you say ‘better’ than H1Z1, in what way is it better when it’s almost exactly the same in terms of gameplay but years behind in terms of development, resulting in game breaking bugs, as experienced by Nathan?

Welcome to a socialist health care service! Here in the UK, our NHS was founded by a Labour government in 1948 and every Conversative government (which we have most of the time, because we’re not as socialist as we like to think we are) has tried to kill it with neglect ever since - although their first response to

Ir’s a not a story though, is it? It’s just an observation of their general behaviour, based on several anecdotes (which may or may not be stories in themselves). A story would be something specific that had happened or that they had done recently. I mean Trump lying about wiretapping is a story; me saying ‘Wow, Trump

If you don’t already watch Bob’s Burgers you should watch last week’s Bob’s Burgers. Gene’s got your back.

Of course it’s not a blacklash over Mass Effect 3's ending - the backlash over Mass Effect 3's ending was the backlash over Mass Effect 3's ending, and that was backlash enough. This is petty nitpicking about some minor aspects of what generally looks like a pretty good game with solid gameplay and gorgeous visuals,

Guess I’m going to have to upgrade from a GTX 780 if I want to keep gaming on a 1440p monitor...

It’s one of those cult classics like Halo, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.

He might have even gotten away with it if he hadn’t ended the second tweet with ‘LOL’.

I was only comparing them in terms of user interface, not features. I’ve never had a Kinect but I can see how that would be useful - although the PS4 does also accept voice commands through the camera and/or headset. It does suck that the PS4's cloud storage is limited, although it did take a huge jump from 1gb to

Really? What do you prefer about it? Because I don’t think either are excellent, coming from a PC gaming point of view, but I much prefer the sensible organisation of the PS4's XMB over the Xbox One’s ‘we’ll have three big pages of random stuff and put all the stuff you actually want to access in a small menu with

Every game should have the Mako! I think Elite: Dangerous could do with it as well.

Is it too late to get into this game? I was sort of hoping it would come out on PC so that I could play it earlier but. now that I have the next-n0w-current-gen consoles, platform is no longer a barrier so I could pick it up pretty cheaply.

I’m glad it’s not just me - I’m primarily a PC gamer so only get consoles for exclusive games, and there are hardly any on the Xbox One. I only got it at Christmas and am pretty much done with it after playing Halo 5 and Gears of War 4 (which isn’t even an exclusive but I feel more at home playing it on an Xbox after

Yeah, it’s been a while since I used MSN. It’s all Skype these days.

But adding such a vehicle to the game a couple of weeks before Mass Effect: Andromeda is released (which brings the much-awaited returns of the Mako) in an update called ‘Path Finder’ (the role of the protagonist in Andromeda) sure does seem like non-coincidental timing.

I agree, but do you have an Xbox One? Because there’s pretty much nothing Sony could do to make the PS4's user interface worse than the Xbox One’s, which is horrendous and I just can’t get used to it.