But they promised it would make gaming great again! It was gonna be yuge!
But they promised it would make gaming great again! It was gonna be yuge!
Yep. I’ve been playing Zelda for 20 years and always just assumed each one was standalone, with references to any previous heroes merely myths. The attempts to make all of the games fit into a coherent timeline just seem like unecessary headaches to me (although I do love the Hyrule Historia).
They both came to me broken - the Pro controller knowingly, because I like to tinker with things so I’ll often buy faulty stuff just to see if I can repair it. Haven’t got around to fixing it yet, though, because it was sold to me as an official one but after opening it up it turns out it’s a fake and I’m having…
What a save!
You might as well get Zelda now and wait a year or two for the Switch, until its price has dropped and you can get it with 3-5 must have games instead of just one, because chances are you won’t mind replaying Breath of the Wild.
You know what, I also have a Pro controller, also with broken analogue sticks. I was aware of that one, though - been meaning to fix it for a while - so I’ve ordered 4 replacement sticks and should be able to fix both at the same time.
I would be playing The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild - in fact I was playing it earlier, getting it on the Wii U because, hey, I bought that console two years in anticipation of new Zelda by the end of 2015, so it might as well get used for that, and as much as I’d like a Switch I can’t justify the purchase…
The X-Files episode “Arcadia” is all I can think of every time I think of a home owners’ association.
He’s currently shooting a movie where he plays a guy trapped in the woods so, I dunno, maybe that has something to do with it.
^This. People can be two things. Although we really do prefer it when everything around us is just one thing - and that’s part of the dichotomy.
I think many people would - right now people pirating it might be those who have a copy ordered for Friday but just want the thrill of playing it right now, before release day, or they’re treating it as try-before-you-buy, in the absence of a demo. Those who pirate it and don’t pay for it are likely to be people who…
The most pirated movies/video games/whatever are always the ones that are also the highest selling - piracy numbers are just a low percentage of sales, and it will be an even lower percentage in the case of a Wii U game because a) piracy isn’t as easy on the Wii U as it is, say, on a PC and b) not that many people…
I’m from the UK and, for my birthday about a year ago, my girlfriend took me to a history of gaming exhibition that had a whole host of video game systems from all eras on display, many of them set up and playable - everything from an original Pong console to an Oculus Rift. It said it was the biggest collection of…
I like it when trophies/achievements work like that. I didn’t care about them at all until I was playing Fallout 3 and I’d completed the main quest and most side quests, then I started using the achievement list as a ‘to do’ list because I didn’t feel like I was done with the game yet.
They should give him a Switch and every launch game. Unless he’s planning on doing the SNES next...
Where is this museum? I have to go!
I was being dumb/tired when I made my initial comment here - the Switch games obviously require no installation at all, because they come on cartridges/flash storage. A game being larger than the console’s internal storage is only going to be an issue if you buy it digitally - and if you buy your games digitally,…
Same here - I only really use consoles for their exclusive games, otherwise I play on PC, so I’ve only got 500gb in each of my PS4 and Xbox One. I’m okay for space for now on my PS4, having only played Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV on it, but my Xbox One is already full after installing Halo MCC,…
No, it’s full of games.
It’s pretty funny that there will be game cartridges bigger than the internal storage though. Like getting a PS4 with a 500gb hard drive and then buying a game on a 1tb optical disc.