
Why didn't I know about this?!!! I love that poem and I feel like I have my next app download sorted now.

I'm CRYING that was the best ever.

This is everything I wanted to say. Public exposure/consensual acts (unless you're a repeat offender by like a school or something, come on that's a terrible idea) should not be on the register. But the register is good in theory. I want to know if there is a molester with 20 charges living across from me, and I feel

I only play Marry, Shag, Push off a Cliff. That is the only way to live.

I do like jezebel but I haven't been really active here because there are some problematic authors/commenters. Groupthink is like the nicer, friendlier version of Jezebel. You may want to click around there a bit, everyone's awesome.

Your prof sounds really interesting, I'd die if I had a Saturday class though!

I don't know why, but I had to stare at pavement bellow for a long time to even guess what anyone would have been getting at. I just couldn't stop imagining why pavement would be yelling. And total agreement that the more wrong = more obsessed. I'm so glad I never did anything in my fandom days that would have gotten

That is such a hilariously terrible thing to do. Also, how deluded must they have been to think that their attempts at RP would be any better done? Fandom just feeds the most absurd people, it's madness.

I was into H/D and so everyone was always quietly pissed at her for never going the H/D route. Fandom was crazy back then, like I'm surprised no one died in those wars cause fanpoodles (best word ever, thank you for that) were insane.

Dear god how long has this trope been alive?!!?! I never read her stuff because I got into fandom when her plagiarism stuff was already well known. Thanks for the tip though, looks like she doesn't deserve my hate on this one!

I don't mean she created Draco as a sex symbol, I mean she created the trope of Draco Malfoy in leather pants. In the HP fandom, Draco wearing leather pants is weirdly prevalent and I'm 99% sure she was the first writer to do so. I have no idea who truly started the concept of Draco being misunderstood/sexy, my fandom

I always forget that she was the one who single handedly created the leather pants!Draco trope! That was the bane of my fandom existence back in the day.

When meth producers fuck up, their meth labs blow up. Take it from someone living in a state that is top 3 for meth production, we do not care about this ID law. Anything to try and lower production is a good thing because if they're mixing in the apartment next door when it blows, you're just as dead.

Young Adult was great, but made me paranoid that my 30s were going to be just like the main character. I loved the whole thing and but then stayed up all night wondering what I was doing with my life.

I had my tonsils removed at like 8 so I remember is well. The most important thing is that it really is low risk. Yes, freak medical accidents happen but the chances for that happening during something as routine as a tonsillectomy are so slim that you're wasting brain space stressing over it! Recovery is not

I love skinny fit clothing for women. I get tees in XL/XXL and if it's skinny fit, it'll nip in the waist and won't look like a tent. So many XL/XXL sizes look like a tent on me, and skinny fits are awesome for preventing that.

I heard his character was great, it really intrigued me!

I was going to watch Once to catch up as soon as I realized he was on it but then I was disappointed that they would spin off his character and then recast him. But we still get him on the big screen!

I'm pretty sure he's not in the spin off though, right? Because he had to commit to doing Captain America 2 and all the other likely sequels. I remember reading some stuff about how the spin off had to recast him and I didn't know he was even in the show to begin with.

This is the greatest thing I've read on jezebel this week. TMI all the time!