That was really great, I loved how random the choices were sometimes.
That was really great, I loved how random the choices were sometimes.
I kept frowning at the picture, just thinking that's not quite her and then you made me realize it: I was totally picturing Grace Jones too! Thanks for making that click.
It was. Most of the kids watching Disney didn't even know the first one so it was an updated remake. I have no clue why this is even a post worthy event. Maybe 2 years ago it would've made for a great let's talk about why Harriet was the bee's knees! post but now it's just random.
They stopped teaching cursive in Indiana in 1998. I was in 3rd grade and it was the last year it was taught. It was admittedly shorter lessons because they wanted us to spend more time in this new fangled computer lab to teach us how to type. I was taught cursive the summer before and was expected to keep practicing…
As soon as Harry Potter did it, everyone jumped on the train. When I heard it was happening for HP, I thought it was dumb because it's not even the longest book! But it did turn out great. I just want the film industry to understand every popular book is not Harry Potter. Stop trying to squeeze out more money from us.
I was like somebody better have made the obvious joke! Thank you for this one!
The definition of people in the Constitution was pretty much white men so I don't even know what I was thinking.
Many people on this thread are, and it's really interesting to see all the different opinions.
The differing opinions on this topic are fascinating, I'm not even going to lie. It's crazy to see a word I am so not okay with just accepted by half of the feminists around here. It's interesting to think about. And thanks!
But we shouldn't have to take anything! We shouldn't have to "own" anything, these words shouldn't be used in the first place.
I use bitch to describe myself when I am at my worst, when I'm being a piece of shit and won't listen to reason. In cases like this, of when feminists are taking over and getting shit done, I feel more of a boss who's running the world, and if I have to be stern and unlikable and unladylike, so be it. It's a word that…
Never. And it's why I wanted this one day to be one where we didn't have to call ourselves that. But yes, saying that it'll just be the next few months instead of eternity is a joke. The Republican party will never stop demeaning us and that is a show of how pathetic they are.
I agree with your interpretation of that line. I was talking about the use of the word over the header image actually, which is probably in line with the gets stuff done idea. I just don't want it associated with Davis and crew, I want nothing but respect for them all!
They definitely get mutherfuckers in response, I'm not going to pretend that's not my exact same reaction.
You just killed my entire argument!!! Also, that is actually legitimate and I am facepalming at the founding fathers right now.
The Republicans will be calling us bitches for months because of this. Can't we just be people for once?
Thanks for pointing that one out! That analysis always gets me since it's wrong.
I see so much Princess and the Frog hate but you know what, I kinda liked that movie. I was 100% freaked out by the villain (seriously Disney, voodoo? Do you never want me to sleep again?) and I liked the princess. On a totally personal level I love that my niece has a strong princess that looks like her. It's a big…
Thank you for this! I was just like what exactly is wrong with flashy proposals if that's what you're into? Some people don't care too much about privacy, they want to share the event or get attention (which isn't a bad thing) and we should let them. You do you and all that.