
I want a relationship first, and I'm not even ready to start dating. I don't think I can handle the responsibilities of a relationship right now. I don't know what I'm planning on doing with my life exactly and I just like having the freedom to do whatever. No relationship makes sex pretty much non-issue right now, I

I haven't really felt ready to start dating yet either so that was stressing me out too. Thank you for being so honest! I don't think I'm ready for any type of relationship yet (I can't decide what to do after undergrad or how to cut my hair, I don't need to throw another person in the mix too) so I was starting to

They aren't, not at all. And for that I am so very thankful. There's a lack of understanding on their part, definitely, but none of them give me shit. They just don't see sex as that big of a deal and not something worth waiting on. They support my decision to wait though!

It does get said a lot. I'm sure I've said it before too. But it's true and sometimes it just needs to be repeated. I just needed to hear someone reassure me that I wasn't looking into this too much or totally not doing adulthood right. Thank you, it means a lot!

Obviously I can give you no advice but is it really something you think you need to get rid of? I know I don't, I just wanted to make sure I was normal in that lack of concern. Do you think you'd regret that guy a few years/months if you met someone that really mattered to you?

I think you are the kinda person I'll end up being, which I'm totally cool with! I just want to be sure about the person and I don't think I'm the type that can be certain after knowing someone for a few months. I really appreciate your story, I just needed some reassurance today!

I want there to be like a "Is This Normal - Real Talk" type of site where young adults can all just come together and get honest info. I'm barely 21 and I'm already concerned about being a virgin! That is so absurd. I know I'm not the only one (thanks to this site actually) but peer society makes you think anything.

I don't think I romanticize it, I just know I want to care about that person, and vice versa. I'm sure some people want some fantasy but I just want to know that person. Most of my friends don't need relationships but I think I do, so when I'm surrounded by people who it doesn't matter to, I start to feel like some

Also, that bit about waiting for JGL while speaking french cracked me up. The visual is so funny.

I'm sending you a virtual hug right now because I really needed to hear that. I knew objectively that if I want to wait it's cool but I just needed it from someone who's been there. I sometimes feel like a bad feminist because I do see my virginity as important. Not that it's a scale of my worth, not at all, but it's

Something to this effect is asked every week but I need your wisdom tonight Jezebelles!

Unattached drifter Christmas will always be my preferred description of Valentine's Day.

I just snorted in laughter so hard right now. I don't know if I'm allowed to do that at newly 21 though. But I want to real bad, like fuck pants, those things blow. (I'm bitter since it took me literally an hour to find two new pairs of jeans yesterday. Ugh.)

Okay fine, I'm going to start reading the books even though I told myself I would never start an unfinished series again. I hear such good things about them and I know I'd like them. I finished S1 literally a day ago and I am STILL NOT OVER IT. Why didn't someone warn me they were going to kill off half of my favorite

I hope it's like a couple of decades before that happens. I want to be like 60 and be that awful grandma that doesn't even wear pants because it's too damn hot and just sits around in muumuus all day.

That is the best argument for school corps to stay out of students' hair ever. Also, I am laughing really hard at that mental image.

Even in high school kids couldn't do half of what you're talking about where I went. But I just got out a few years ago and went to school in the states. Freedom of expression for high schoolers went out in like the early 2000s. I compare my older sister's dress code to the required uniforms at the public high school

Actually that is specifically why I mentioned that red was pushing it. Blonde goes from perioxide to honey, and brunettes are all just different shades of brown, all colors that could be natural and was therefore okay. Red on the other hand, many people will go past the natural ginger shades into straight up burgundy

I am suddenly so glad I went to public school. We had strict rules, but nothing that intense!

If I even start to think about how Steve is going to react to Bucky being alive I start to get teary. Right now my eyes are swimming! I will be that annoying girl in the audience gasping and crying and being absurd and I will have no shame.