Williamson 2020: Somehow Keeping Seth Moulton Out of Two Debates
Williamson 2020: Somehow Keeping Seth Moulton Out of Two Debates
Willie, I ate the cat! Just kidding, I kill me! Well, I’m off to watch the Ochmoneks fight!
I’m glad one of the streaming services is still regularly adding recently released movies. I’ve wanted to see First Man, Widows, and Thoroughbreds for some time, and I’ve been curious about Bohemian Rhapsody.
In Hell, Mitch will be impaled upon one of the Cones of Dunshire, just out of reach of a delicious lo-cal calzone.
She barely lets him into a two-way!
I saw this in the theater-- I must have been eleven or so-- and I remember loving it. Oh Rick Moranis, how I wish you hadn’t retired, though I understand why you did.
Huh. I’ve had 3 Subarus— an ‘05 Outback, an ‘09 Outback, and my current ‘15 Forester. Drove each of the Outbacks to 100k, never had a breakdown (although I got the alternator on the ‘09 replaced just under warranty at 99k, and I then gave it to my sister-in-law and it broke down on her at around 120k.) At 65k on the…
I would say Willow or Faxanadu.
I’ve always loved this game— for the music, for being the original Metroid-vania, and for the cool RPG elements. I first played it alongside Nintendo Power, which is probably the only reason I could progress, and yeah, Dracula’s incredibly easy compared to his near-impossible forms in Castlevania I and III, but of the…
I rented this a few times in the early 90s, and always enjoyed it and meant to give it a full playthrough— thanks for the reminder! In a similar vein, I’m quite fond of The Magic of Scheherazade.
Definitely second the love for that Barry episode and the Keanu scenes in Always Be My Maybe, and my wife and I guffawed all the way through Booksmart. Also the scenes where Richard Splett is working on Jonah Ryan’s campaign in Veep.
Very nice. I’d also recommend Big Thief, Aldous Harding, and Tyler the Creator.
I would add that Broad City and Veep had stellar final seasons.
Yeah, I mean, I can understand why Endgame isn’t on here, but for a movie that big (in every sense) to get a 78 on Metacritic should certainly put it in the top 27.
Always fun to watch conservatives argue that a fellow conservative should just be given something he hasn’t earned. Meritocracy at work!
I also had the first 30 or so Garfield books, and the ahead-of-its-time ‘Garfield’s 9 Lives’. I have fond memories of Garfield & Friends, but I do not remember this apparently inferior program.
I still hear this song in my head on a weekly basis, 25+ years later.
I bought an Audio Technica turntable with a USB output for $80 in 2012, still works great and digitizing vinyl is fairly easy enough; the free Audacity makes it straightforward.