The tone of this is weirdly hostile.
The tone of this is weirdly hostile.
The translucent purple is giving me hard flashbacks to my first GBA.
Majima in his red and black attire is just so, unf. His younger self in Yakuza 0 also made me drool a little. He’s just the best character in the series, rising over all the gang drama around him with his own way.
I thought a sphincter was supposed to keep the crap out of sight for the most part.
If they are your friends, why didn’t you ask them to include the both of you in puzzle solving? Personally, I don’t have a good time in group events if half the group is miserable.
You mean, other than making enough of their product to meet the demand?
It is almost never a smart idea to stop production on a product you havent even met initial demand for...
It might be fan fiction, but it’s a very good fan fiction that I can’t put down. It’s alright because the combat and exploration is better than any of the previous games!
yes they are, by a boat load.
It’s a fine game. I might even go as far as to say it’s a great game. People are bagging it because it isn’t WITCHER 4 IN SPACE! Not everyone is going to love it, and that’s fine, but the hate its been getting is unfair IMO.
Oh piss off. This game is wonderful. Quit nitpicking and enjoy yourself for once.
Yeah, no, sorry Mark, but this is a YOU problem.
I guess for me the thing about Garrus is a bit of the confidence, awkwardness, and vulnerability. His public face is that of a real hotshot, kind of a top gun guy who’s got it all under control and never misses a chance for a witty quip, but underneath it he’s got some insecurities, some dark spots in his past, etc.,…
I did think that Tali and Garrus was also really cute (if you choose to not romance him, and also don’t have your party die I guess). Like, that also felt pretty natural to me. Honestly, I think Garrus is just a fantastically written character all in all.
Single greatest character of mass effect, for all the reasons here. My favorite couple in ANY fiction. Like stated in the article, his honest attempts at romancing femmshep, his awkward come-on’s that he smiles through, but more than that he supports you even in the most difficult situations. The conversations in 3 is…
So I was enjoying Yakuza 0 but then suddenly the fighting jumped up in difficulty...or I should say annoyance. As Majima everything is fine, but as Kiryu I am frustrated. Even with his fastest fighting style, I am dodging and too slow to counter before getting punched again. Also, I am getting hit from every direction…
Well you went to shibuya for one thing, that’s a massive trendy shopping area; geek culture is in akihabara and harajuku (for crazy fashion). With that being said, it’s not as common as it had been to see crazy geek stuff around the streets.