Yep, that is exactly my situation.
Yep, that is exactly my situation.
Yeah. I mean that statement is really all I can ask for in regards to Attachment Parenting (and any other kind really).
How she wants to raise her child is her own business, I am just happy she realizes that it's a choice and a privilege/luxury that she can afford and isn't all judgy about it. That comment made me respect her a lot more.
But he's just so FUN, it says it right on his chin.
I'm glad I am not the only person who has had a heckuva time shaking his SVU performance.
There is acknowledging that it's hard, and then there is making it seem like misery...
Well we can rule out drunk at least.
Babies are great, ignore this dribble...the writer clearly resents having children. My son turns 3 this week and while there are tough times it's not ALL there is about having a child. I am 26 and I don't feel like I missed out on anything or resent my son at all, he is awesome and the only thing I am melancholy about…
Seriously. If being a SAHM is like 2-3 jobs then being a working mom is like 4-5 right? Since when do working moms have it easier?
I feel like it's a better curse knowing it's derived from "Odin's bits".
Mmmm, cockroach of the sea.
Maybe the red lobster is the rarest of them all~
I'm tired of it too, but at least this one is a scripted movie and not another Borat...the trailer seemed really funny too.
Oh snap!
Maybe they were scared because they didn't stop her...
Yup yup, my mom just couldn't wait one more day to do it, my birthday is Jan. 31 and I guess the last day of the month was when it was able to go through or something like that...I am not sure of the details.
Oh man the last half of your second paragraph really resonated with me, although I don't think I really realized when I was younger how miserable my mom was in the marriage. My parents got divorced about 3-4 years ago (on my birthday L.O.L., I can never not bring that one up) and it's something that's been driving me…
Probably because they thought they'd lose their jobs over screwing up a famous person's hair...
Indeed, short hair is cute and hair grows back! I've been growing my hair out from a short bob, so it looked just like a mass of hair without any shape. I went and got it layered and shaped a bit around my face and the lady who did my hair had to keep saying "don't worry, it'll grow back" over and over again. I had to…
Oh man, I didn't even realize it but that's totally what she resembles! So sad..