
I suppose the context also matters, if you have a couple cars it makes sense to specify. My husband and I have 2 very different cars but I still say "my car" or "your car" when I refer to them.

Any time *bows*

Yeah when I reference my car I always just say "my car" unless there is a particular reason. I don't say, oh I left my lunch in my Toyota Corolla, brb.

Oh and I love that Ray Ban ad, especially because it features a gay couple that IS NOT HYPERSEXUALIZED. Wonderful.

That's not even the first problem with the Ciate caviar manicure...look up blogs about the situation...stealing somebody else's idea then giving C&Ds to bloggers who are telling people alternate ways to get the look yourself.

For some reason I got a Benny Hill sort of image thanks to you haha.

Agreed. My eyebrows are dark, but kind of sparse (especially after a trim) so I feel better when they are filled...I could probably live without any other makeup than that and maybe some tinted lip balm, if I was feeling pretty lazy. I don't need a stencil either, I just go with my natural brow shape and wipe off

Because men are the ones doing the greenlighting.

His mouth in general is huge.

I'm relieved to know I am not the only person who has trouble choking down a glass of water. For some reason only the tap water from my kitchen sink goes down without a fight...

Well it might help if you don't have pets, we have a dog so our options were severely limited.

Oh and our last apartment sucked too, not just the street!

I live in San Jose, and if you don't want a crappy apartment it's about the same. Our previous apartment was $1400 for a small 2 bedroom but the street we lived on sucked. Our place before that was a slightly nicer, large 1 bedroom in Santa Clara for $1650. Now we live in a house that we rent from my in-laws for $950,

Getting a dog did it to me first, I can't watch/read/see anything about a dog getting lost or hurt. Now that I have a kid it's the same thing, but double!

You'd probably be hard-pressed to find a itty bitty studio or live with a roomie in a 2 bedroom for that here in the Bay Area/CA.

I just buy chopped onions, I don't use them that much and I HATE dealing with them so why bother!

I wonder if part of it is because Millenials have to work a billion hours a week just to squeak by and want to enjoy their small amounts of time not working (lol, as if we get VACATIONS...hah) without doing silly chores. Maybe people in the past were more domestic because they had the time to (mothers expected to stay

Yeah, saying Cali is about as bad as saying Frisco. Oy vey.

I think you are 1/2 right...I mean when I occasionally hear somebody say "the880/85/101/280/etc." I am kind of like "yep, that person is from SoCal or has lived there for a while". So I think that's definitely a SoCal sort of branding.

Yesss~. Love it haha.