I'm glad it's not just me, everybody always thinks I'm crazy for flat out refusing to drive my husband's Ford Explorer. I'm 5' 4" and normally drive a Toyota Corolla.
I'm glad it's not just me, everybody always thinks I'm crazy for flat out refusing to drive my husband's Ford Explorer. I'm 5' 4" and normally drive a Toyota Corolla.
Ah that's the one I have too :) The nice thing about Asian BB creams is there are SO many for you to try and find a good one/one without Talc.
Yup, exactly. There will definitely be repercussions.
"Frances has my deepest sympathies. Also, she looks so much like her dad"
I think one huge reason nobody tries to game the system is that if you were found to be starting something surely you and everybody you love would be punished...
Which reminds me, weren't BB creams originally created in Asia by Asians to help heal you up after cosmetic surgery?
Oh man yes, Western BB creams totally miss the point of BB creams don't they...just a fancy sounding tinted moisturizer! Bah.
I came here to say the same thing, the purple dress in particular made me go "huh?". It makes her look like a linebacker with 1/2 a pelvis and a beer belly. I can't imagine how awful that would look on most people.
Woop woop! Same here~.
Because the makeup industry in Asian countries isn't as big or bigger than in Western ones right? Pfft.
Or they are a Doctor Who fan, Juliette Lewis :)
Yeah when I am "in the wild" and have to cut things up for my son (who is 3 next month) with no alternatives, I do bite the food into smaller pieces, but I try my hardest not to slobber all over it and I just can't imagine pre-chewing it for him, even when he was an infant.
Somebody needs to take a picture of these ladies and show it to them before they leave the house/apartment/room, not because their dresses are bad etc., but because some ladies need to cool it on the setting powder around their eyes and I know some types only show up in pictures but look fine in real life...if you…
I agree. I prefer turkey bacon but it really tastes jack shit like the real pork bacon!
I suppose I could eat it that way too, I mean if it's not mostly the ham I am eating I'm ok...if I can taste the meat mostly then I just can't stomach it. But there are other deli meats I like better so I would probably never order a ham sandwich anyway.
I'm happy to hear that my inability to stomach pork isn't unique.
Yeah exactly, and this is coming from a Jew who enjoys bacon (thought primarily I enjoy turkey bacon as that's what I was brought up with). I think mostly I enjoy it because it's cured though, I looooove salty stuff...
Even being an office manager requires a BA these days, I was lucky enough to get in but if I want a better job in the same field I need a BA. I originally thought that I could work my way up but now I am going back to school for a BA because it seems like not having one is a dead-end even if I don't want to go into a…
I with you too...actually I like it in theory, but the idea of somebody clipping my toenails gives me the willies!
"Barefoot running has been touted as improving strength and balance, while promoting a more natural running style. However, risks of barefoot running include a lack of protection — which may lead to injuries such as puncture wounds — and increased stress on the lower extremities."