
Because investors expect it to make money in the future. Like many tech stocks, it is (over?)valued because of its growth potential, not because of it’s current performance. Whether it can ever actually achieve that potential depends on whether it can get its self-driving stuff working. Doing so would not only let it

A fair trial isn’t of any benefit to him if he’s actually guilty (and it sounds like there’s a decent chance that’s the case).

I’m quite sure he’s not going back there. Presumably he does hope to be able to travel the world without fear of extradition (there’s also some risk he could be arrested in France as Renault has reported irregularities as well). Still, even if he’s stuck in Lebanon, that’s presumably preferable to spending 15 years in

Because it’s a ~13 hour flight to Istanbul, so you’d want two sets of pilots to cover it. Alternatively, they may have arrested the pilots who flew him to Lebanon as well, if they were different.

But they also aren’t identifying him, making it easy for him to get another job at the police department in the next town over.

No you should not replace your switch. It works fine, and it doesn’t even seem like a big deal cosmetically. Feels like you are just looking for an excuse to get a new one, but this isn’t it.

I’m looking at 2560x1600, 3200x1600, 1080p, and 1440x1440x2, but maybe I’ll do some 4k if someone actually makes a 32+” 4K display with Freesync2 support. 

True, though as a 2009 game, it’s too old for this list.

Those “government shouldn’t own land” types are in for a huge shock if they get their way. They seem to think lands will just be handed over to local ranchers instead of auctioned off to big ag/petro/mining concerns, who will be nowhere near as kind to ranchers as the feds are.

I’m feeling bad that I’ve now read two of these top 10 lists here, and I still haven’t played a single game on them. Granted only a couple titles stick out at me as things I’d be likely to enjoy. I guess it means there will be good stuff for me to pick up cheap later.

Hmm, this came up in the Spring too, Jezebel had an article (among many other sources of course):

Did land speed records not count trains?

I’ll keep using my credit card at the pump, thanks. No reason to inconvenience myself every time I buy gas just to avoid a remote chance a larger, but still pretty minor inconvenience if someone steals my card number (which has happened to me once in 20 years of card usage).

I’m sure it was money, but I’d guess it was someone from the mothership calling the TV station and mentioning how devastating a boycott of Hallmark products right before Christmas would be. Sure maybe the risk a boycott either way, but it’s pretty clear which way was going to hurt them more.

Right, but Porsche could have done that if they thought it would help them. It’s not like other automakers are playing by different rules as far as the EPA goes.

Yep, Tesla and everyone else have to go through these exact same EPA tests, so unless they are cheating the tests (and Porsche’s corporate family is the one with experience there), it should be pretty much and apples to apples comparison.

Best of luck at The Drive!

I’d really like to know who those numbers compare (on a per ride basis) with taxis, livery cars, and lyft. They sound appalling, but without knowing the competition you can’t really tell if that’s just the product of providing a ton of rides.