
Here in the US farm diesel is dyed red, while normal taxed fuels are clear.

As far as thought 2 goes, I always wanted these in Mass Effect, the Mako actually has rockets, but they only fire down, it would have been much more useful if they could be used to hold you to the terrain for short amounts of time instead. 

Certainly not the case with Google News, where most of these complaints seem to center, but I can see sites being bother the quick answer things that sometimes appear on search results (I imagine this would also be a concern with the various AI assistants fetching info from the web, though it gets a little weirder

But that’s not what Google and Facebook are doing? Certainly other people (including Splinter) aggregate news, but you really are just getting the snippets from the Google and Facebook.

who more stringently enforce antitrust laws against tech giants like Facebook and Google, to prevent them from using their enormous market power to cannibalize, bilk, and defund news organizations.

Jim Cooke wasn’t part of the Splinter layoffs right? He’s listed on the About Splinter page. It sounds like bad times for the writers (hope they find new homes soon), but I haven’t seen anything what’s going on with the art people.

Fun fact: I eat Special K Red Berries like they are chips (also in cereal).

They will always be the Natinals to me.

Gas of course is clear, but helpfully smells like gas, making it pretty easy to differentiate.

Coolant can be a lot of colors, green, blue, orange, pink, and probably more (especially if you mix, which is ok with some coolants, and very very bad for others).

Maybe it would help if they turned the Expos’ stylized “M” upside down.

Just means you need an airship!

I get the appeal, but personally I’d want a home with a toilet and a shower.

Unhappy boat owners are the ones who aren’t on the water because their boat is broken and they can’t afford the thousands to fix it.

Don’t forget Mike Fahey from Kotaku: I’m Back

Luckily SSD prices have been plummeting. At $100/TB it’s not that bad at all. Granted you probably don’t want to be paying $15/game just for storage, but you don’t need to have all your games installed at once generally speaking (my condolences to GoG buyers who keep local archives of installers in case the service

Why is using a touchscreen a problem for the passenger? They don’t need to keep their eyes on the road.

Patriots remaining schedule by offensive DVOA rank:

It’s a special technique of his...

They still have knobs and buttons. They are just mostly on the wheel now, which is better from an ergonomics standpoint.