
Not much you can do about lightning (beyond having lightning protection in building codes), but we did ban lawn darts, we did outlaw leaving children in hot cars, and we should ban handguns.

G/O Media presumably. Usually journalists are paid by their employers.

So the problem with that is while it decreases the incentive to tank, at also doesn’t do anything to help bad teams get better. Also, anything draft related in baseball is a bit iffy anyway, since draft picks take years to develop and often don’t pan out at all.

I definitely feel that the Orioles could improve Camden Yards by turning the outfield sections between the bullpens and the flag court into grass seating.

It does feel like MLB teams would be better served to make the seats around the dugouts or by the on-deck circle the most premium while trying to fill those few seats in the default camera angles with superfans (ideally ones who are still willing to pay a pretty penny). I think it could be made to work.

In most places the team very much cares about who gets the parking money. Teams often try to make it difficult for people to park at non-team lots or take transit to the game. They also sometimes make arrangements to capture parking revenue (for example the Ranger’s new ballpark deal involves a parking tax for lots

The Audacity of Taupe!

They will give up. They will still be wealthy. But if you are going to say that you get to keep essentially nothing of what you make over 100M, it’s going to significantly upend incentive structures. When it’s that high, it essentially becomes an extremely-high income tax bracket.

Not really practical with the way the minor leagues work. But I agree that you should have some mechanism to force teams to at least try to compete. This whole “tank the season from the start” approach is super unhealthy for the game. And it’s going to look worse once these teams figure out that not everyone is going

Well boo-hoo if the poor billionaires can’t afford to park their massive assets in shitty non-productive investments... 

Maybe, baseball is definitely more a game of suspense than action. But people can appreciate suspense.

MLB owners agree with you! Stadium sizes have been shrinking, both with new stadiums getting smaller (the new Ranger’s stadium will seat 40k instead of 48k for example), and with renovations reducing capacity (bigger seats, replacing seating sections with counter seating, and of course with the Rays and A’s, tarping

That is quite possible. I don’t know what stent operations imply for mortality.

Yeah, that’s not how life expectancy works. At Bernie’s age the average man has about a 5% chance of passing away in the next year. Obviously Bernie is not average, he has excellent health care, and seems reasonably fit for someone his age, while on the flip side, having this event is probably not a good sign.

Huh? Any mortality stats you look at will tell you she’s less likely to die, both because she’s younger, and because she’s a woman.

Why would you have to explain progressive taxation? If you set you tax rates like that, even under a progressive tax scheme, there is no incentive for earnings, because you are going to lose so much of it above that limit.

Maybe, but I’m pretty sure they throw home if they think they have any chance of stopping the runner there. Keeping it a tie game is way more valuable than preventing the runner from advancing to third. I can believe it was intentional, but I’m not sure it was a good decision.

Warren’s wealth tax would be easily accommodated. Any properly invested fortune would still grow, it would just grow a little slower (this is fine).

I’m pretty sure that would be a terrible idea. Warren’s proposal lets people still earn money (which provides the incentive to earn money). Bernie’s makes it pretty difficult to amass more than a billion dollars, except through exploding stock growth (taking a company from nothing to a titan), though you’d be able to