They are sort of like dogs. Not as good overall of course, but they are less likely to poop on the rug, so that’s nice.
They are sort of like dogs. Not as good overall of course, but they are less likely to poop on the rug, so that’s nice.
Shit! Sorry.
You leave the Audacity of Taupe alone!
All well and good, as long as you aren’t doing both at the same time.
Are you sure? Maybe we could get Jolie Kerr to weigh in?
Sure, why not, that might turn out to be real people someday! And then you could drive somewhere with them!
Why do you need room for 4 if you have no family?
If you place an order for 100k vans from a company that might otherwise be lucky to sell one, I think they’ll do pretty much anything to make you happy.
Are absolutely necessary. Otherwise there’s no incentive not to destroy the world in order to save a small bit of cash. I mean granted I prefer a cap and trade system, but the net effect is very similar. If you don’t charge people for the pollution they’re causing, they have no incentive not to do it. You could go…
We’re kind of bummed that it doesn’t come with a pack of astronaut ice cream for extra realism (and deliciousness!)
We’re kind of bummed that it doesn’t come with a pack of astronaut ice cream for extra realism (and deliciousness!)
I’m extremely bothered by the large number of games that haven’t submitted box art and so are just a banner over a blurred background.
Hmm, I’ve never played Infinite, but once you get passed the vigor, that sounds sort of like you were playing Mass Effect?
That is an annoyance. For me though I only ever use the list view for sorting by metacritic score and hours played, and you can at least do both of those from the new grid.
It’s not the default (and frankly it shouldn’t be). There’s a new button (replacing the installed drop down) to show only “ready to play” games (I don’t recall if steam has any games that let you play before the download is complete, but that verbiage change certainly anticipates it if it’s not there already.
you can also just try alt-F4. Alternatively when you press alt-tab, there’s a close button on each thumbnail that comes up.
Easy enough to hit the windows key and start typing (admittedly, this was more effective before Microsoft decided we needed web and store results sucked in as well (and often given priority over things that are actually on the machine)
This is why flying by plane into Colorado is the only way to do things. A short time passing over extremely regular farmlands and then suddenly you get near Denver and you’ve got the mountains rising like a great wall from the west side of the city.
Driving in Houston I definitely wanted the GPS on the way to work. Not because I didn’t know how to get there, but because I didn’t know where the traffic would be worst. Google can tell me not just how to get there, but how to get there fastest taking into account current traffic, road closures, etc.