
Damn, that Lotus is gorgeous in a way modern race cars just aren’t.

Ryan is obviously a flaming idiot.

Hard to see a reason for this clean old beast not to be a solid NP assuming it passed a PPI.

God bless.

Oh my, such an eloquent retort.

I don’t have a clear recollection other than they were “not amused” as the late Queen Elizabeth occasionally said when she was pissed..

We should also acknowledge the gradual migration to the EV Ultium platform means a whole bunch of people who engineer ICE powertrains are no longer needed for engineering ICE powertrains.

I worked in the field organization at Chrysler back when these awesome weirdos were launched.


Battery packs are heavy, of course, which makes the 4,072 lbs. even more impressive.

‘23 model year FWD Pacifica is 4,521 lbs. as per multiple sources.

So, what part was homophobic? 

So, for reference, a FWD Pacifica is 4,500 lbs. and an AWD is about 5,000 lbs. according to multiple sources.

So, I temporary get you out of the grays and this is how you treat me? I'm truly butthurt. /s

You just proved my original point.

YeaH, bUt wHataBouUt JAn 6tH?

A more realistic comparison would be with other high performance AWD sedans.

You know, people on the right too often also view the loudest voices on the left as mean, nasty, culture-war assholes.

Most definitely not mainstream. One of the problems with public discourse is we've gotten so tribal, not enough people even try to have a conversation, let alone socialize with people who might think differently. It hasn't always been this way. We are poorer for it.

Did I not just mention lunatic fringe? That was some classic lunatic fringe stuff if ever there was such a thing.