Factory Chicken

I guess asking Mariah to sing nowadays is equivalent to asking Rhonda Rousey to fight nowadays

I didn’t know about white genocide before reading this, and now I wish I still didn’t. After reading the insane drivel promoted by these whit supremacists , I am actually stupider than I was before! Was I better off not knowing about this?

Say it again

I think Trump has found his Secretary of Education.

If Bill Murray offers you champagne, you drink it. it’s going to be some pretty good stuff, not the $2.99 a bottle stuff that Andre makes.

Dicks out for Clark.

It really doesn’t seem to be contained.

I had a realization today while watching the pre-debate coverage: The Trump campaign has been all about avoiding questions and pivoting back to talking points that have been beat to death; while the Clinton campaign has actually tried to address the issues. So far, in the debate, we’ve seen this again and again and

Sharia law would be fine if it had more Jesus.

Man... Tonga is so poor... $6200 is an awful lot of money there. Those folks are just trying to survive.

Oh great, jellyfish have learned how to post internet comments.

I, for one, am tired of debating people’s Bourne Identity.

Wait, so you’re saying it’s a tax on a necessity only one gender needs, so only women were paying it? And this is your reason for calling the loss of that tax sexist?