
So edgy! The 12 year old ‘badass’ thing got old a long time ago...

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

Mike Matheny praised the fan for taking the bullet “the right way,” noting that glory boy fans in Chicago or Kansas City would’ve demanded a stoppage to the game and drawn much more attention to themselves.

War criminal. Fuck him.

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

This is America. Of course it won’t.

Yup me and mr freak decided years ago on how much sex makes us happy and how to agree to timing on that and have not fought about sex since. Now rn I’m pregnant so it’s stagnated since I’m on pelvic rest but we still schedule in intimacy time. This means putting down the phones making sure we are ready for action on

When I was a little kid my mom had the radio on and the “If you like Pina Colada” song came on. I remember that when I asked her what it was about, she said, “This is why mommies and daddies need a vacation once in a while.”

I think that is a great plan. Scheduling sex doesn’t mean it has to be boring. You can still spice it up. To me it is more about just making the time and mentally preparing. If I am exhausted and then my so wants to spring it upon me, I might be less energetic than if I can think my working hours about what I am about

My husband and I instituted something similar. We’ve been together 17 years and lead busy lives. It’s not an obligation but more a reminder to set the time aside for each other.

And then you have something to look forward to!

Yeah, I don’t think there’s a problem with this at all. When you have a lot of shit to do, it’s so easy to just collapse in front of the TV at night and fall asleep instead of using that time to spend sexy time with your partner. Making a specific effort can be really rewarding.

Do you! Everyone should get consensually laid the way they want.

It seems to me that a long-term couple that has a lot of stuff going on could probably benefit from something like this. It isn’t a chore, it’s a reminder that you need to make time for your partner and to get into the idea of sex. It isn’t like you can only have sex during those times, but jump starting your sex

I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these

Grew up in Chicago. Now live in Seattle. Am a cubs fan.


Yep. That quote from the judge -

The thing is, they didn’t even HAVE to listen to women. There were two men that saved her, chased him off, and acted as eyewitnesses to his crime, but his welfare is still prioritized before hers. And arguably, before the welfare of his next potential victim.