
I’m sure there are good people on both sides of these hate crimes.

On one hand, I’d love an Old Republic movie. On the other hand, I’d rather a new KOTOR (not TOR. KOTOR. TOR is a turd).

...stating that he could only be fired for sexual indiscretions if they’d been proven in a court of law.

I’d agree with you if it were anyone but Rian Johnson. Johnson is an awesome director. I have faith.

Your Name was a masterful movie. Enjoyed it from beginning to end. There’s nothing a Hollywood adaptation can add, and that’s why I know this movie is not going to live up to the original.

I’m not a huge fan of Girardi, but coming off a phenomenal year as manager, there is no free agent manager out there that is going to give the Yankees a better shot at winning the World Series. Dumb decision, Steinbrenner Bros/Cashman.

As a Philly fan, I’ve long since acknowledged Carson Wentz as the lord and savior, Jesus Christ. But wow, there were several plays yesterday where I just couldn’t believe what I was watching. There were 3-4 plays last night that I could see being in his highlight reel when he’s inducted into the Hall (after he leads

This show is past its expiration date. There’s a ton of great material to come in the comics but I’ve totally lost faith since the minute they introduced Negan. The first several seasons were appointment television and now I find myself doing small jobs and chores while it is on in the background.

Of course body cams don’t make a difference. Almost every time a police officer commits a crime, it’s turned off (what a co-inky-dink).

At the end of his arc in 24, there’s no way I thought I’d be excited to see Ryan Chappelle again.

Well should any lawsuits come out of this, “I’ve made mistakes” seems to be a pretty clear admission of guilt.

His logic actually makes sense if you disregard all of the facts about the Las Vegas shooting (including the one where accuracy doesn’t mean much of anything when you’ve got thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder). But back here in reality, he’s an idiot.

Austin is everything about New York hipsters that I hate, but goddamn if he isn’t a breath of fresh air on Jeopardy.

The movie was a masterpiece as is. All they’re going to do is bastardize it.

But her emails!

The dog celebration ended with him “pissing” on the Eagles’ end zone. It had nothing to do with politics, it was just OBJ being his typical douchy OBJ self (his second touchdown was goddamn phenomenal and even as an Eagles fan I can’t hate on it though).

Literally every time we get a fatal shooting like this, the cops conveniently don’t have their body cams turned on. It’s getting ridiculous at this point.

Honestly, Satan’s plan sounds a lot more like what the GOP is doing currently.

The notch on the iPhone X is a truly revolting design decision.

I understand what everyone loves about Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and Breath of the Wild. But I’ll be damned if Wind Waker wasn’t the most fun I had playing a Zelda game. Just perfect from beginning to end.