
I’m all for more charging options, but for me the biggest drawback of wireless charging is the speed. Maybe it’s because I have a cheap third-party charging pad as opposed to an OEM one from Samsung, but it just charges at a crawling pace. I’d rather just plug the thing in for 20 minutes and get a half a battery’s

Eagles fan reporting in. Welpt, here’s hoping Lurie lets Howie re-sign Malcolm Jenkins because he’s been protesting too (granted, his protest isn’t in the form of kneeling). And he’s an Eagle. Or we’ll see if Lurie is just a hypocrite and only cares when it’s not one of his own.

Why is it that the body cam of the officer doing the shooting always happens to be turned off? I mean literally 10/10 times.

Devos makes me cringe. Not only is she going to destroy an entire generation with her backwards policies, but it won’t be felt until 10 or 20 years from now, and some Democratic president will inevitably get blamed for it (a la Obama)

All I can think of watching Leto in this is Laurie Bream from Silicon Valley.

Never remotely implied that he directed T3 or subsequent Terminator films. But he is heavily involved in the franchise and his argument was basically that Wonder Woman isn’t a good hero because she’s not Sarah Connor. And dollars =/= quality. Avatar was a record-breaking film financially. But then again, what’s the

James Cameron is objectively a washed up filmmaker so I’m not sure he’s the best person to be giving commentary anyway (objectively, has he given us a good movie since Titanic?). But that’s beside the point.

Can confirm and second the grilled cheese use. I’ve been doing this for years and it makes the absolute best grilled cheese.

Yay AV Club. But I’m pretty sure I just nuked my Kinja account. I guess it’s back to the grays I go for every Kinja site ever.

Eh, I’d argue that if Trump willing to engage in racism for personal gain, then Trump is a racist. To be honest, that’s pretty why most people engage in racist activities any way. Yes hatred for others is a big part of it, but they stand to gain off of another group’s suffering, even if it is collectively as a race.

Proud Eagles fan here. I look forward to proclaiming our team as the Super Bowl favorites until Week 8 when everything inevitably goes to hell and we end up 8-8 in third place.

As someone who has played Agents of Mayhem, how similar or dissimilar is it to Crackdown? Just curious, because I absolutely loved both Crackdown games.

Worth noting here that you can always buy a numpad separately (even a mechanical one). A tenkeyless keyboard can feel better for the day-to-day because your hands don’t have to go past your shoulders to use the mouse.

The Kendall Jenner story is why I always write “Cash” if I tip in cash. Don’t wanna be shamed for stiffing when I didn’t.

"If it turns out the magic of the Wall can be avoided merely by going around it, that will be a monumentally lame development. It will be a huge stain on the show.

The perks of telecommuting. Working in last night’s pajamas.

Comey appointed McCabe and McCabe assumed the position of Acting Director of the FBI automatically upon Comey being fired.

From the Trump book on politics
1) Global warming doesn’t exist -> We did not collude
2) If global warming does exist, it’s good for us -> If we did collude, it’s not illegal

Also, just lol at climate change being good for food production. Has this dude been to California lately?

Space Dwight!

1) Every ISP is going to do it.
2) They won’t market the fact that they’re throttling video. They’ll just advertise “premium speeds” on a subset of websites (“Sign up today, and you can enjoy faster surfing on premium video services like [Insert ISP Name] Video!”)
3) The average person is not smart and will eat this up.