
Mate, project in development NDA is basic thing you need to adhere in this kind of business. “it will only hurt their marketing”, when their business is creating content, leaking the said content is serious thing. Don’t undermine it.

If his grouping is like his strike zone, we have nothing to worry about. Dude’s a storm trooper.

I think Bosa’s attitude had less to do with old college grudges than with the well known fact he just hates the browns. 

As much as I hate Roy Moore for his decades-long assault on all that is good and right, making me agree with DJT jr may be his worst offense.

Just for anyone who needed to hear this today, alcohol is not responsible for your partner’s shitty abusive behavior. I had too much to drink hosting a bachelorette this weekend (safely at home), and my instinct was to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. (Not very successfully, but the point stands.)

Ok, but it’s not enough to just say “We don’t want her.” Who DO you want? Have a couple of good candidates people can get behind. 

This is really going to complicate his supreme court confirmation hearing in 2052.

Thoughts and Prayers

I’m not a big Tesla fan, especially of Elon if you see my post comments, but having someone who works for the “enemy” writing op pieces for an Investor site who has a vested interested in Tesla losing market valuation is a little shady. 

Counterpoint: Fuck the Patriots.

1.) Thank you! I’ve never been a fan of IPAs. I understand I may be in the minority, but I’m not going to drink something I don’t like. But that means that currently there are a lot of bars that offer me very little in the beer department. I’ve been to some bars that offer only one non-IPA option, and it’s empty.

Or something on TLC. That’s what I’m thinking it will be. 

Wiseau serious?

Oh hai. Hey there, Jack, News Editor at Splinter. I am Dinos and Nachos, Immigration Lawyer.

It’s okay because the “star” who said that is white.

The closing shot will be Sam stopping writing and selling out the remainder of the saga to two wankers from Braavos because he is a lazy cash-grabbing bitch.

Roy Moore and guys like this seem like the type of viewers who watched Braveheart and then, after the “prima nochte” scene, thought to themselves “time to get into politics”

I live in a densely-populated very blue state. These peoples’ votes actually count more than mine :-(

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”