
I’m no fan of smoking, but this has worked out so well in the past with alcohol. Who here as actually seen a teenager drinking since they raised the age to 21?

New York? I’m sure Dolan & Co would be happy to trade Melo and a decade’s worth of first picks for him.

Guaranteed that the second a president whose name isn’t Pence or Trump takes office, and Pai is out as chairman, he goes back to a cushy, cushy job at Verizon.

Wasn’t familiar with the actress at first but just realized I recognized her from one of my favorite episodes of Black Mirror. Good pick!

Be careful if you’re putting money on this. The entire season’s plot has been leaked from beginning to end. Kit says they filmed fake scenes but I doubt it. There may just be someone in any pool who cheats and consults the spoilers before picking.

I see both sides of the argument. My sister is celiac and can get very sick if she’s served anything with gluten. On the other hand, I’ve been the cook in the back of the house who had to entertain someone’s gluten-free demands as they ate the bread on the table. All I can say is that in my experience, the worst

I’m no economics or statistics major or anything, but wouldn’t assaulting legal immigration just incentivize people to immigrate illegally? At this point I’m not sure they genuinely want to end illegal immigration — they just want the target practice.

He’s technically right. He can’t help what someone sends him. But he can damn sure control what he does in response to that info.

It’s probably just an honest mistake. I’m sure Ajit Pai said something to him about putting an internet tax in place and Trump just rattled it off like it was Israeli intelligence.

Phil, in order to assure us that you know what you are doing, you first have to show us that you know what you’re doing.

So basically MoS 2 is Injustice 2.

No sympathy for these modders. While I’m sure some of them used the tools just to have a good time, a great many used them to annoy other players and ruin their experience in public servers. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 

Haven’t logged in since before the update, but in the article linked in this article’s lede, it seems to me like they’re just trying to look more like Instagram. Am I wrong?

They do have healthcare provided by their employer like all responsible contributing members of society.

I’ve had my eye on the AW1361-10H for a while. Worth noting that CamelCamelCamel has this as the lowest it’s ever been on Amazon. 

I’ve had my eye on the AW1361-10H for a while. Worth noting that CamelCamelCamel has this as the lowest it’s ever

Honestly, the game looks fantastic. But I’m worried this will become another Division (looks marvelous at its debut, then it’s an entirely different game when the time comes to ship).

lolololol $350. I guess that’s Apple for ya.

I’ve got my barf bag at the ready.

Stephen A. goes viral. That’s really all there is to it in ESPN’s mind.

It’s the Twitter alarm.