
I will be sorely disappointed if the game doesn’t feature a body-slamming politician in at least one mission.

Example #27839437 of how our current administration gives zero eff about the people of the United States.

This explains his philosophy on governing too... doesn’t want to waste the remaining brain cells.

Have a little respect just the one time, please.

There is no way Sledgehammer makes a better WWII game than CoD 2 (not to be mistaken for Big Red One). And honestly, it worries me that I half expect them to tie in time travel or something. Ending the game by a rift in time and space opening up with future Nazis from an alternate universe flooding in to win the war

I guess she might be a snowflake.

If I’m being honest, nope. I guess a broken clock is right twice a day?

Our policy is that we do not endorse, nor discriminate against, any particular news organization.

Now finally, something does not seem right with this man because repeating “just kill me” over and over again is not typically something a right minded individual would do. Which would also go towards explaining why he refused to leave in the first place. 

This episode had me on the edge of my seat for its entire duration. One of the better finales in Homeland's six years and capped a season that got better and better as it went along. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but perhaps a new reviewer can give the show a fairer shake, considering your admitted distaste

Same applies to every other race, unfortunately. Every asari except for PeeBee has the same face (Even Lexi), every f/m turian and every f/m salarian.

I’m waiting for the photoshop of the header image with Ronaldo’s statue.

Came in to say this. Nice catch on the peanut illustration though.

I don't know if was the intention or not, but the whole sequence with Keane in the car and then standing in front of the crowd of reporters had me on edge. I was waiting for a surprise gunshot or some sort of attack to happen at any moment.

At the very least I feel like Carson is just incompetent/unqualified and not malicious, which is more than I can say about most everyone else involved with Trump at this point.

Half of me wants to get in on this IPO, and the bigger half of me keeps reminding myself that this is more likely to be the next Twitter than the next Facebook.

I wish bitcoin and other crypto currency could just die. Mostly because they’re a huge driver of ransomware.

To be fair, I am terrible at those kinds of games so me playing Bloodborne would probably result in 6 hours on the first two levels then throwing the controller.

I’ve been happy with my XB1. This is the game that really makes me wish I had a PS4 as well.