
Meh, Carmelo. I’m sure you can afford to eat the vacation on your salary.

You can accomplish the same thing by jamming a spoon under the bottom of the lid and pressing the handle inward toward the jar. This only works of course on metal type lids like those found on grey poupon.

That headline and hero image. Strong clickbait.

Terrell Owens and Brian Dawkins not making it is criminal.

Stopped giving Gamestop my business years ago, after they kept trying to take games out of sleeves and put them into open boxes and then tell me they were new.

All election cycle long, I heard the Republicans say that the American people should have a say in the next Supreme Court Justice. Well, they did have a say, and since the Democratic candidate received 3 million more votes than the Republican candidate, that means the people wanted a Democratic Supreme Court nominee.

Wouldn't have been the same movie. Mile Teller is absolutely unlikable in almost everything he's in.

Twi’leks confirmed a part of the ME universe

Adding to #3, a great, great percentage of ransomware (and other malware) is coming from phishing emails—through links as mentioned but also through file attachments.

This just sounds like some North Korea shit.

Many of us were willing to give him a chance when he was elected. But his cabinet appointments used that chance up very quickly.

Even as someone who leans conservative, I can’t help but laugh at the hypocrisy. Crying foul every time Obama signs an executive order, saying he’s abusing his powers as president, then literally undoes Obamacare with an executive order not 12 hours after he is sworn in (and with a Republican Congress that would

Most everyone with experience lifting in both running shoes and weightlifting shoes will tell you that the weightlifting shoes are preferable.

Resident of NY checking in. General consensus is that Cuomo is a terrible, corrupt, no-good politician, but he’s still governor because the alternative was to elect someone so batshit crazy that he seemed the reasonable choice. I’m no fan of him and I certainly know a few people in the education sector who loathe the

It’s cheating if it cannot be done within the confines of the game as it is designed. So scoping out a target and quitting is not cheating. Everyone can do it. If you choose not to, that’s on you. It would be cheating if you hacked the game’s files to stop the guards from seeing you so you won the mission. It wasn’t

Shutting down phones at over 35MPH would punish all passengers in a motor vehicle as well as well as everyone on public transportation like a train or a bus. In addition, just to throw another scenario out there: what happens when there’s an emergency and someone dies because their cell phone was shut off. BRB,

If you’re ordering wine at any restaurant you’re getting short changed regardless. Those wines they’re charging you $10 for cost them $7 a bottle. Selling wine (and beer and liquor) is just like printing money for a restaurant (granted, it’s about the only thing they sell that has such a high profit margin).

I’m the last person that’d defend OBJ (bitter Eagles fan) but he’s right. If the NFL’s going to fine players for that stuff (they shouldn’t) at least be consistent about it.

If they’re getting extra help, that’s actually pretty surprising because the refs have been exceptionally terrible this season. I mean literally making me not want to watch terrible.